

You can find here examples of simulations as movies or images (in the Gallery). You can also have information on AVBP trainings. If you are an AVBP user, you can also find here information on the AVBP input files, on the scientific manual, the list of test cases (QPFs), the chemistry site of CERFACS and the bug store.

AVBP: a leader in the field of simulation of turbulent reacting flows
AVBP is a suite of CFD tools to perform DNS and LES of compressible, reacting, turbulent, multispecies flows, on massively parallel CPU and GPU architectures. AVBP is widely used for basic research in multiple laboratories. It is also the design CFD tool for many french companies using LES. The AVBP project is one of the largest CFD teams worldwide focusing on reacting flows with more than 60 researcher scientists and engineers.

AVBP: a leader in the field of High Performance Computing
AVBP is at the forefront of HPC developments. It is a reference code in the HPC community, used today in the COEC European Center for Excellence. AVBP is also used for LES of non-reacting flows (turbomachinery), safety CFD (pollution dispersion, virus airborne transport) and environmental problems (solar, wind farms). AVBP is also aplied to multiphysics problems in collaboration with ONERA using the CWIPI coupler technology.

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