0 ! Skip the rest if zero -- Definition of fictive species ---------------------------------------------------------------- FICTIVE_SPECIES 4 ! neqfic = number of fictive species 'sigma' 1.d0 ! Species name 1, Schmidt number 'enthug' 1.d0 ! Species name 2, Schmidt number 'trfuel' 1.d0 ! Species name 3, Schmidt number 'tro2' 1.d0 ! Species name 4, Schmidt number -- Data for the CFM model (used if ichem >=11) -------------------------------------------------- FUEL_COMPOSITION 0 ! ifueltyp: 1 if gasoline, 0 otherwise 3 ! xncarb = carbon number of fuel 8 ! xnhydr = hydrogen number of fuel CFM_MODEL 2.00d0 ! uprimcfm = velocity fluctuation -0.005d0 ! ltcfm = length scale 5.0d0 ! xnres = delta_resolved/delta_x 5.0d0 ! xnfilt = delta_hat/delta_x 0 ! ispark: spark plug model (1) or not (0) -3.05d-3 ! xspark 0.d0 ! yspark 9.7d-2 ! zspark -40.5d0 ! timing for spark ignition: t1ign (imove=-2,0 or 2) or ca1ign (-1 or 1) -- Select mesh movement ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MESH_MOVEMENT 1 ! imove options 0=none 1=engine (-1 MMO) 2=user-law (-2 MMO) './mesh' ! Base name of output mesh files if imove<>0 -- Parameters for engine simulation (used if imove=1/-1)----------------------------------------- ENGINE_PARAMETERS 1 ! itc (1) or not (0) -355.0d0 ! ca_t0 = Crank angle at dtsum=0 2000.d0 ! rpm = Engine speed in rotations per minute 08.6d-2 ! bore = Engine bore 08.6d-2 ! stroke = Engine stroke 15.2d-2 ! conrod = Connecting rod length -- Primary moving patches (used if imove=1/-1 and itc=1) ---------------------------------------- PRIMARY_MOVING_PATCHES 2 ! mm2npmp = number of PMPs 10 1 'valve_xu10.dat' ! 1st PMP: number, law (<0) or data (1), name of data file 11 -1 'dummy' ! 2nd PMP: number, law (<0) or data (1), name of data file -- Parameters for user defined ALE law (used if imove=2/-2) ------------------------------------- ALE_LAW 0 ! iale_law = law type 0.02d0 1.5d0 2.d0 0.d0 0.d0 ! iale_param(i=1,5) = parameters of the law -- Parameter for Move Mesh Only option (used if imove<0) ---------------------------------------- MOVE_MESH_ONLY 0.00005d0 ! dt_mmo = fixed time-step -- Parameter for interpolation ------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERPOLATION 0 ! iinterp: interpolation (1) or not (0) 1 ! iinterp_choice: type of interpolation (1=end, 2=coarse, 3=end & coarse) './mesh_target.mesh.h5' ! target mesh (full name) - Used if iinterp_choice=1 or 3 './coarse' ! coarse target mesh (base name if imove<>0, full name otherwise) - Used if iinterp_choice=2 or 3 1.d0 ! storage interval for coarse meshes in sec, CAD or nite (according to istore & imove) 2 ! icellinbox -- Parameter for postprocessing ----------------------------------------------------------------- POSTPROC_ENGINE 0 ! ipostproc_engine (1) or not (0)