
Input and output files of the coupling

This page decribe the input and output files linked to the coupled simulation.

General organisation of run directory of coupled simulations

A typical organisation is proposed here for the coupled simulations. To illustrate it, let say that you are investigating two coupled simulations:

In the main directory OPALM_AVBP_AVTP_PRISSMA/, you can copy the AVBP_AVTP/ folder in AA_DHP/ and AVBP_AVTP_PRISSMA/ in AAP_CHAMBER. Then, in the running directory AA_DHP, you have to create the directories AVBP01/ and AVTP01/ that will contain respectivly the running files for AVBP and AVTP. The run.dat and input_files.dat of AVBP and AVTP have to be present in these directory, whatever the organisation of the mesh, boundary and initial conditions in the folders and subfolders.

The same has to be done for the 3 codes coupling adding the PRISSMA01 directory.

Input files

The input files consist in only two types of files: a file readed by all the coupled codes (coupling.choices) as well as a file readed by each code independently (input_couple.dat).

I/ The coupling.choices file, located in the main running directory, describes general features of the coupling:
1 ! AVBP-AVTP -> 1 if the coupling between AVBP and AVTP is active, 0 otherwise
1 ! AVBP-PRISSMA -> 1 if the coupling between AVBP and PRISSMA is active, 0 otherwise
1 ! AVTP-PRISSMA -> 1 if the coupling between AVTP and PRISSMA is active, 0 otherwise

------------------- GENERIC -----------------------
1200 ! -> Number of meeting points
1200 ! -> Period of debug ouputs in # of meeting points

------------------- AVBP / AVTP -------------------
2 ! Dimension of the coupled entities -> 1 if linear frontier, 2 for surface

---------------- AVBP / PRISSMA -------------------
3 ! Dimension of the coupled entities -> 2 in 2D and 3 in 3D

---------------- AVTP / PRISSMA -------------------
2 ! Dimension of the coupled entities -> 1 if linear frontier, 2 for surface

II/ the input_couple.dat depends on the code to be coupled. These files have to be located at the same level of the run.dat and prissma.choices files (in AVTP01/, AVBP01/ and PRISSMA01/ directories.
The input_couple.dat file for AVBP
------------------- GENERIC -----------------------
20 ! Number of time step between meeting points

------------------- AVBP / AVTP -------------------
0.1d0 ! Geometric tolerance
2 ! Number of patch to couple
10 ! List of patch ids

---------------- AVBP / PRISSMA -------------------
0.1d0 ! Geometric tolerance

The input_couple.dat file for AVTP
------------------- GENERIC -----------------------
20 ! Number of time step between meeting points

------------------- AVBP / AVTP -------------------
0.1d0 ! Geometric tolerance
2 ! Number of patch to couple
1 ! List of patch ids

---------------- AVBP / PRISSMA -------------------
0.1d0 ! Geometric tolerance
2 ! Number of patch to couple
1 ! List of patch ids

The input_couple.dat file for PRISSMA
---------------- AVBP / PRISSMA -------------------
0.1d0 ! Geometric tolerance

---------------- AVTP / PRISSMA ------------------- 0.1d0 ! Geometric tolerance
1 ! Number of patch to couple
1 ! Patch ids

Ouput files

The coupling with OpenPALM of AVBP, AVTP and PRISSMA produces a certain number of additional files when compare to standalone computation.

I/ Coupler files
- The OpenPALM coupler produces an ensemble of *.log files. Please refer to the user guide of OpenPALM to have a full description.
- The CWIPI library dumps the echanged fields in the directories CODE/cwipi/ (with CODE=[AVBP01][PRISSMA01][AVTP01]). These fields are dump in ensight format and can be visualized with ensight or paraview.i The dump period of these files is controlled by the second generic parameter of the coupling.choices file. Please refer to the OpenPALM documentation for more informations.

II/ Performance files
To measure the performance of the data exchange, the coupled application dump the the time taken by each exchange of the coupling:
- times_avbp_avtp: times taken by (AVBP<->AVTP) exchanges in AVBP,
- times_avbp_prissma: times taken by (AVBP<->PRISSMA) exchanges in AVBP
- times_avtp_avbp: times taken by (AVTP<->AVBP) exchanges in AVTP
- times_prissma_avtp: times taken by (PRISSMA<->AVTP) exchanges in PRISSMA
- times_prissma_avbp: times taken by (PRISSMA<->AVBP) exchanges in PRISSMA

It is important to note that in the waiting times due to bad synchronisation of the solver if included in these times.