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- The informations contained in the namcouple are written by the global process 0 (over all the models) in the file nout.mpi_rank_global
OASIS_debug which will be used to write informations into debug files is not known util oasis_namcouple_init is called, and nlogprt is read in the namcouple file:
   call oasis_namcouple_init()
   OASIS_debug = namlogprt
OASIS_debug is initialized to 2.

- Use of SCRIPR alone : by default option of mapping are src and bfb
When using SCRIPR alone, the remapping file is written by the master proc of one of the models and the name of the remapping file is automatically defined by the SCRIP library. Then the mapping operation is done reading this file. By default, when the option MAPPING is not explicitely present, the options src and bfb are used.
- Use of SCRIP + MAPPING :
When using SCRIPR + MAPPING, the remapping file is written by the master proc of one of the models but the name can be chosen by the user. Then the mapping operation is done reading this file. The mapping is done following the options that are specified for MAPPING (src/dst and bfb/sum/opt).