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Arborescence of the scrip library (in oasis3-mct/lib/scrip/src)

=> call init_remap_vars
=> call remap_conserv
=> call remap_bilin_reduced
=> call remap_bilin
=> call remap_distwgt
=> call remap_gauswgt
=> call remap_bicub_reduced
=> call remap_bicub
=> call sort_add (to make sure that dst_addr is monotonous)
If (lfracnnei .or. lfracnntr) THEN
=> modif Li in oasis3 and not yet in oasis3-mct : call fracnnei_vmm (calculate the number of the tricky points in an interpolation : ie target cells with all source cells masked and target cells without link (out of domain))
=> call fracnnei
=> call sort_add (to make sure that dst_addr is monotonous)
=> call resize_remap_vars
=> call write_remap
=> call free_grids
=> call free_remap_vars