2 OASIS3-MCT sources

OASIS3-MCT sources are available from CERFACS SVN server. To obtain more detail on downloading the sources, please fill in the registration form at https://verc.enes.org/oasis/download/oasis-registration-form .

OASIS3-MCT directory structure is the following one:

 - oasis3-mct/lib/psmile         OASIS3-MCT coupling library
                 /scrip          SCRIP interpolation library
                 /mct            Model Coupling Toolkit Coupling Software
 - oasis3-mct/doc                OASIS3-MCT User Guide

 - oasis3-mct/util/make_dir      Utilities to compile OASIS3-MCT
                  /lucia         Tool for load balancing analysis

 - oasis3-mct/examples           Environment to compile, run and use
                                 different toy coupled models.