Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 MODULE errioipsl_psmile
00002 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00004 !=
00005    SUBROUTINE histerr (plev, pcname, pstr1, pstr2, pstr3)
00006 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00007 !- INPUT
00008 !- plev   : Category of message to be reported to the user
00009 !-          1 = Note to the user
00010 !-          2 = Warning to the user
00011 !-          3 = Fatal error
00012 !- pcname : Name of subroutine which has called histerr
00013 !- pstr1   
00014 !- pstr2  : String containing the explanations to the user
00015 !- pstr3
00016 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00017    USE mod_comprism_proto
00019 !-
00020    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: plev
00021    CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: pcname,pstr1,pstr2,pstr3
00022 !-
00023    CHARACTER(LEN=30),DIMENSION(3) :: pemsg = 
00024     (/ "NOTE TO THE USER FROM ROUTINE ", &
00025        "WARNING FROM ROUTINE          ", &
00026        "FATAL ERROR FROM ROUTINE      " /)
00027 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00028 !
00029 #ifdef __VERBOSE
00030    WRITE(nulprt,*)'Entering routine histerr'
00031    call flush(nulprt)
00032 #endif
00033 !
00034    IF ( (plev >= 1).AND.(plev <= 3) ) THEN
00035      WRITE(nulprt,'("     ")')
00036      WRITE(nulprt,'(A," ",A)') TRIM(pemsg(plev)),TRIM(pcname)
00037      WRITE(nulprt,'(" --> ",a)') pstr1
00038      WRITE(nulprt,'(" --> ",a)') pstr2
00039      WRITE(nulprt,'(" --> ",a)') pstr3
00040    ENDIF
00041    IF (plev == 3) THEN
00042      STOP 'Fatal error from IOIPSL. See stdout for more details'
00043    ENDIF
00044 !
00045 #ifdef __VERBOSE
00046    WRITE(nulprt,*)'Leaving routine histerr'
00047    call flush(nulprt)
00048 #endif
00049 !
00050 !------------------------
00051    END SUBROUTINE histerr
00052 !=
00053 !-------------------
00054 END MODULE errioipsl_psmile
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