Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001       SUBROUTINE filling (pfild, pworka, pworkb, pworkc,
00002      $                    plon, plat, klon, klat, kmask, kmesh,
00003      $                    kunit, cdfic, cdmet)
00004 C****
00005 C               *****************************
00006 C               * OASIS ROUTINE  -  LEVEL 3 *
00007 C               * -------------     ------- *
00008 C               *****************************
00009 C
00010 C**** *filling* - Fill up (and smooth or not) regional field with climatology 
00011 C
00012 C
00013 C     Purpose:
00014 C     -------
00015 C     Performs smooth or abrupt blending of a regional data set with a  
00016 C     global one for a Sea Surface Temperature or Sea Ice Extent field.
00017 C     The frequency of the global set can be interannual monthly, 
00018 C     climatological monthly or yearly. Sea-ice transitions are treated
00019 C     specifically: the ice is supposed to form or disappear on the first 
00020 C     day of the month.
00021 C
00022 C     N.B : The SST climatology must be in celsius. If not
00023 C           one has to change the value of local variable zmerg
00024 C
00025 C**   Interface:
00026 C     ---------
00027 C       *CALL*  *filling(pfild, pworka, pworkb, pworkc, klon, klat, 
00028 C                        kmask, kmesh, kunit, cdfic, cdmet)*
00029 C
00030 C     Input:
00031 C     -----
00032 C                pfild  : field to be completed (real 2D) 
00033 C                plon   : grid longitude array (real 2D)
00034 C                plat   : grid latitude array (real 2D)
00035 C                klon   : number of longitude (integer)
00036 C                klat   : number of latitude (integer)
00037 C                kmask  : mask array (integer 2D)
00038 C                kmesh  : overlapped neighbors array (integer 2D)
00039 C                kunit  : climatological data filename logical unit (integer)
00040 C                cdfic  : climatological data filename  (character)
00041 C                cdmet  : filling method (character)
00042 C
00043 C     Output:
00044 C     ------
00045 C                pfild  : field completed (real 2D) 
00046 C
00047 C     Workspace:
00048 C     ---------
00049 C     These are work arrays passed as arguments:
00050 C     pworka, pworkb, pworkc
00051 C
00052 C     Externals:
00053 C     ---------
00054 C     None
00055 C
00056 C     Reference:
00057 C     ---------
00058 C     See OASIS manual (1995)
00059 C
00060 C     History:
00061 C     -------
00062 C       Version   Programmer     Date      Description
00063 C       -------   ----------     ----      -----------  
00064 C       1.0       L. Terray      94/01/01  created
00065 C       1.1       L. Terray      94/10/01  modified: lecture of climagrd
00066 C       2.0beta   L. Terray      95/12/10  modified: new structure
00067 C       2.0       L. Terray      96/02/01  modified: change on rewind()
00068 C       2.1       L. Terray      96/09/09  modified: flux correction term
00069 C       2.3       S. Valcke      99/04/30  added: printing levels
00070 C
00071 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00072 C
00073 C* ----------------Include files and USE of modules---------------------------
00074 C
00075       USE mod_unit
00076       USE mod_parameter
00077       USE mod_analysis
00078       USE mod_coast
00079       USE mod_calendar
00080       USE mod_smooth
00081       USE mod_printing
00082 C
00083 C* ---------------------------- Argument declarations----------------------
00084 C
00085       REAL (kind=ip_realwp_p) pfild(klon, klat), plon(klon, klat), 
00086      $    plat(klon, klat)
00087       REAL (kind=ip_realwp_p) pworka(klon, klat),  pworkb(klon, klat) 
00088       REAL (kind=ip_realwp_p) pworkc(klon, klat)
00089       INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) kmask(klon,klat), kmesh(klon, klat)
00090       CHARACTER*8 cdmet, cdfic
00091 C
00092 C* ---------------------------- Local declarations ----------------------
00093 C
00094       CHARACTER*3 clsmooth, clfield
00095       CHARACTER*2 clclim
00096 C
00097 C* ---------------------------- Poema verses ----------------------------
00098 C
00099 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00100 C
00101 C*    1. Initialization
00102 C        --------------
00103 C
00104       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN 
00105           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00106           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00107      $    '           ROUTINE filling  -  Level 3'
00108           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00109      $    '           ***************     *******'
00110           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00111           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00112      $     ' Filling and smoothing of field with climatology'
00113           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00114           CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00115       ENDIF
00116 C
00117 C* initialize error flag for error routine
00118 C
00119       iflag = 0
00120 C
00121 C* Get smoothing and time info
00122 C
00123       clsmooth = cdmet(1:3)
00124       clfield = cdmet(4:6)
00125       clclim = cdmet(7:8)
00126 C
00127 C* Get congelation temperature for SST and SIE treatment.
00128 C
00129       zmerg = -1.93
00130 C
00131 C
00132 C*    2. Getting climatological or interannual field
00133 C        -------------------------------------------
00134 C
00135 C* Monthly climatology
00136 C
00137       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00138           CALL prcout
00139      $    ('Complementary data file is file =', cdfic, 1)
00140       ENDIF
00141       IF (clclim .EQ. 'SE' .OR. clclim .EQ. 'MO') THEN 
00142           IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00143               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00144           ENDIF
00145 C
00146 C* Monthly climatology
00147 C
00148           IF (clclim .EQ. 'SE') THEN 
00149               IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00150                   CALL prtout
00151      $            (
00152 'Monthly records skipped in climatology file      $            nsrec =', nsrec, 1)
00153               ENDIF
00154 C
00155 C* Read the right records
00156 C
00157               REWIND kunit 
00158               IF (nsrec .eq. 1) THEN
00159                   READ (kunit) pworka
00160                   READ (kunit) pworkb
00161                 ELSEIF (nsrec .gt. 1 .and. nsrec .lt. 12) THEN
00162                   DO 210 ji = 1, nsrec - 1
00163                     READ (kunit) pworka
00164  210              CONTINUE
00165                   READ (kunit) pworka
00166                   READ (kunit) pworkb
00167                 ELSEIF (nsrec .eq. 12 .or. nsrec .eq. 0) THEN
00168                   DO 220 ji = 1, 11
00169                     READ (kunit) pworka
00170  220              CONTINUE
00171                   READ (kunit) pworka
00172                   REWIND kunit 
00173                   READ (kunit) pworkb
00174                 ELSE
00175                   WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) '        ***WARNING***'
00176                   WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00177      $                ' ===>>> : wrong value for nsrec '
00178                   WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00179      $                ' ======                   ===== '
00180                   WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00181                   WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00182      $                ' Variable nsrec = ',nsrec
00183                   WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00184      $                ' We STOP !!! Check value for variable nsrec '
00185                   CALL HALTE ('STOP in filling')
00186               ENDIF
00187 C
00188 C* Monthly interannual data
00189 C
00190             ELSE IF(clclim .EQ. 'MO') THEN 
00191                 IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00192                     CALL prtout
00193      $                  (
00194 'Monthly records skipped in interannual file      $                  nmrec =', nmrec, 1)
00195                 ENDIF
00196 C
00197 C* Read the right records
00198 C
00199               REWIND kunit
00200               IF (nmrec .eq. 0) THEN
00201                   READ (kunit) pworka
00202                   READ (kunit) pworkb
00203                 ELSEIF (nmrec .ge. 1) THEN
00204                   DO 230 ji = 1, nmrec
00205                     READ (kunit) pworka
00206  230              CONTINUE
00207                   READ (kunit) pworka
00208                   READ (kunit) pworkb
00209               ENDIF
00210           ENDIF  
00211 C
00212 C* Get all coefficients for time linear interpolation
00213 C
00214           zpoid1 = FLOAT(njtwo - njnow) / FLOAT(njtwo - njone)
00215           zpoid2 = 1.0 - zpoid1
00216           zpoib1 = FLOAT(ndtwo - njnow) / FLOAT(ndtwo - ndone)
00217           zpoib2 = 1.0 - zpoib1
00218 C
00219 C* Get climatological field for current day
00220 C
00221 C* Specific treatment for SST and SIE due to freezing temperature
00222 C  In both cases, one reads the temperature file and looks at 
00223 C  sea-ice transitions. One makes the assumption that the ice is
00224 C  formed or disappears on the first of the month.
00225 C
00226           DO 240 jj = 1, klat
00227             DO 250 ji = 1, klon
00228 C
00229 C* General case
00230 C
00231               pworkc(ji,jj) = zpoid1 * pworka(ji,jj) +
00232      $                        zpoid2 * pworkb(ji,jj)
00233 C
00234 C* If field is SST
00235 C
00236               IF (clfield .EQ. 'SST') THEN
00237 C
00238 C* Sea Ice to Sea
00239 C
00240                   IF (pworka(ji,jj) .LE. zmerg .AND. 
00241      $                pworkb(ji,jj) .GT. zmerg) THEN
00242                       IF (njnow .GT. 15) THEN
00243                           CONTINUE
00244                       ELSE
00245                           pworkc(ji,jj) = zmerg * zpoib1 +
00246      $                                    pworkb(ji,jj) * zpoib2
00247                       ENDIF 
00248                   ENDIF
00249 C
00250 C* Sea to Sea Ice
00251 C
00252                   IF (pworka(ji,jj) .GT. zmerg .AND. 
00253      $                pworkb(ji,jj) .LE. zmerg) THEN
00254                       IF (njnow .GT. 15) THEN
00255                           pworkc(ji,jj) = pworka(ji,jj) * zpoib1 +
00256      $                                    zmerg * zpoib2
00257                       ENDIF
00258                   ENDIF
00259 C
00260 C* Sea to Sea
00261 C
00262                   IF (pworka(ji,jj) .GT. zmerg .AND. 
00263      $                pworkb(ji,jj) .GT. zmerg) THEN
00264                       pworkc(ji,jj) = zpoid1 * pworka(ji,jj) +
00265      $                                zpoid2 * pworkb(ji,jj)
00266                   ENDIF
00267               ENDIF
00268 C
00269 C* If field is SIE
00270 C 
00271               IF (clfield .EQ. 'SIE') THEN             
00272 C
00273 C* Sea Ice to Sea Ice
00274 C
00275                   IF (pworka(ji,jj) .LE. zmerg .AND. 
00276      $                pworkb(ji,jj) .LE. zmerg) THEN
00277                       pworkc(ji,jj) = 1.0
00278                   ENDIF
00279 C
00280 C* Sea Ice to Sea
00281 C
00282                   IF (pworka(ji,jj) .LE. zmerg .AND. 
00283      $                pworkb(ji,jj) .GT. zmerg) THEN
00284                       IF (njnow .gt. 15) THEN
00285                           pworkc(ji,jj) = 1.0
00286                         ELSE
00287                           pworkc(ji,jj) = 0.0
00288                       ENDIF
00289                   ENDIF
00290 C
00291 C* Sea to Sea Ice
00292 C
00293                   IF (pworka(ji,jj) .GT. zmerg .AND. 
00294      $                pworkb(ji,jj) .LE. zmerg) THEN
00295                       IF (njnow .gt. 15) THEN
00296                           pworkc(ji,jj) = 0.0
00297                       ELSEIF (njnow .eq. 1) THEN
00298                           pworkc(ji,jj) = 2.0
00299                       ELSE
00300                           pworkc(ji,jj) = 1.0
00301                       ENDIF
00302                   ENDIF
00303 C
00304 C* Sea to Sea
00305 C
00306                   IF (pworka(ji,jj) .GT. zmerg .AND. 
00307      $                pworkb(ji,jj) .GT. zmerg) THEN
00308                       pworkc(ji,jj) = 0.0
00309                   ENDIF
00310               ENDIF 
00311  250        CONTINUE
00312  240      CONTINUE
00313 C
00314 C* Annual climatology
00315 C
00316       ELSE IF (clclim .EQ. 'AN') THEN
00317           REWIND kunit
00318           READ (kunit) pworkc
00319       ELSE 
00320           CALL prcout (
00321 'This type of climatology cannot be used  -     $                 clim = ', clclim, 1)
00322       ENDIF
00323 C
00324 C* Blending and smoothing
00325 C
00326 C* Storing of climatology field interpolated in intermediate array pworka
00327 C
00328       DO 260 jj = 1, klat
00329         DO 270 ji = 1, klon
00330           pworka(ji,jj) = pworkc(ji,jj)
00331  270    CONTINUE
00332  260  CONTINUE
00333 C* SST case
00334       IF (clfield .EQ. 'SST') THEN
00335 C
00336 C* Put interpolated values in intermediate array if:
00337 C     - the point is an atmosphere sea point
00338 C     - there is at least one underlying ocean sea point
00339 C
00340           DO 280 jj = 1, klat
00341             DO 290 ji = 1, klon
00342               IF (kmesh(ji,jj) .NE. 0 .AND. kmask(ji,jj) .EQ. 0) THEN
00343                   pworka(ji,jj) = pfild(ji,jj)
00344               ENDIF
00345  290        CONTINUE
00346  280      CONTINUE
00347 C
00348 C* If needed, do coast mismatch correction
00349 C  --> Special treatment for coastal points where there is a
00350 C  --> a mismatch between ocean and atmosphere land sea masks
00351 C  --> The array npcoast is calculated in routine coasts.f
00352 C  --> icoor and jcoor are externally defined functions
00353 C
00354           IF(nfcoast .EQ. 1) THEN
00355 C* If first iteration, initialize coast mismatch data
00356               IF (lcoast) THEN
00357                   itmsq = 1
00358                   CALL coasts (plon, plat, kmask, itmsq,
00359      $                         klon, klat, kmesh)
00360 C* Switch off flag
00361                   lcoast = .FALSE.
00362               ENDIF
00363               IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00364                   WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00365                   WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00366      $            '               * Model run date * '
00367                   WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00368      $            '               * -------------- * '
00369                   WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00370                   WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00371      $            '        Year  --->>> ',nanow
00372                   WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00373      $            '       Month  --->>> ',nmnow
00374                   WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00375      $            '         Day  --->>> ',njnow
00376                   WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00377                   WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00378      $            '      Correct for coast mismatch '
00379                   WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00380      $            '      ************************** '
00381                   WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00382               ENDIF
00383               DO 291 jc = 1, ncoast
00384                 iic = icoor(npcoast(jc,1), klon)
00385                 ijc = jcoor(npcoast(jc,1), klon)
00386                 ztmptot = 0.
00387                 DO 292 jn = 3, 2 + npcoast(jc,2)
00388                   iiic = icoor(npcoast(jc,jn), klon)
00389                   ijjc = jcoor(npcoast(jc,jn), klon)
00390                   ztmptot = ztmptot + pfild(iiic,ijjc)
00391  292            CONTINUE
00392 C
00393 C* Print old and new values
00394 C
00395                 IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00396                     WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00397      $              ' Resetting SST at point (i,j)= ',iic,ijc
00398                     WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00399      $              ' Old SST value : SST = ', pfild(iic,ijc)
00400                     WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00401      $              ' Clim SST value : SST = ', pworka(iic,ijc)
00402                 ENDIF
00403 C
00404 C* Get new value
00405 C
00406                 pfild(iic,ijc) = ztmptot / float(npcoast(jc,2))
00407                 IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00408                     WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00409      $              ' New SST value : SST = ', pfild(iic,ijc)
00410                 ENDIF
00411 C
00412 C* Copy new value into intermediate array
00413 C
00414                 pworka(iic,ijc) = pfild(iic,ijc)
00415  291          CONTINUE  
00416           ENDIF              
00417 C
00418 C* SIE case : we assign the new field to climatology i.e we do nothing
00419 C
00420       ELSE IF (clfield .EQ. 'SIE') THEN
00421           CONTINUE 
00422 C
00423 C* General case: put interpolated value if there is an
00424 C                underlying grid point (whether land or sea)
00425 C
00426       ELSE  
00427           DO 293 jj = 1, klat
00428             DO 294 ji = 1, klon
00429               IF (kmesh(ji,jj) .NE.  0) THEN
00430                   pworka(ji,jj) = pfild(ji,jj)
00431               ENDIF 
00432  294        CONTINUE
00433  293      CONTINUE
00434       ENDIF
00435 C
00436 C
00437 C*    3. Do the smoothing on  borders (only for SST)
00438 C        ----------------------------
00439 C
00440       IF (clfield .EQ. 'SST' .AND. clsmooth .EQ. 'SMO') THEN 
00441 C
00442 C* First South and North borders
00443 C
00444           DO 310 jk = nsltb, nslte
00445             DO 320 ji = 1, klon
00446               IF (kmesh(ji,jk) .NE. 0 .AND. kmask(ji,jk) .EQ. 0) THEN
00447                   pworka(ji,jk) = qalfa * (jk - nsltb) * pfild(ji,jk)
00448      $                + (1.-qalfa * (jk - nsltb)) * pworkc(ji,jk)
00449               ENDIF
00450  320        CONTINUE
00451  310      CONTINUE
00452           DO 330 jk = nnltb, nnlte, -1
00453             DO 340 ji = 1, klon
00454               IF (kmesh(ji,jk) .NE. 0 .AND. kmask(ji,jk) .EQ. 0) THEN
00455                   pworka(ji,jk) = qalfa * (nnltb - jk) * pfild(ji,jk)
00456      $                +  (1.-qalfa * (nnltb - jk)) * pworkc(ji,jk)
00457               ENDIF
00458  340        CONTINUE
00459  330      CONTINUE
00460 C
00461 C* Western border
00462 C
00463           DO 350 jj = nslte + 1, nnlte - 1
00464             DO 360 ji = 1, nwlgmx
00465               IF (kmesh(ji,jj) .EQ. 0 .AND. 
00466      $            kmesh(ji + 1,jj) .NE. 0) THEN
00467                   DO 370 jk = 1, nliss
00468                     pworka(ji + jk - 1,jj) = qbeta*(jk - 1) *
00469      $                                       pfild(ji + jk - 1,jj) +
00470      $                                       pworkc(ji + jk - 1,jj) *
00471      $                                       (1.-qbeta*(jk - 1))
00472  370              CONTINUE
00473               ENDIF
00474  360        CONTINUE
00475  350      CONTINUE
00476 C
00477 C* Eastern border
00478 C
00479           DO 380 jj = nslte + 1, nnlte - 1
00480             DO 390 ji = klon, nelgmx, -1
00481               IF (kmesh(ji,jj) .EQ. 0 .AND. 
00482      $            kmesh(ji - 1,jj) .NE. 0) THEN
00483                   DO 391 jk = 1, nliss
00484                     pworka(ji - jk + 1,jj) = qbeta*(jk - 1) *
00485      $                                       pfild(ji - jk + 1,jj) +
00486      $                                       pworkc(ji - jk + 1,jj) *
00487      $                                       (1.-qbeta*(jk - 1))
00488  391              CONTINUE 
00489               ENDIF
00490  390        CONTINUE
00491  380      CONTINUE 
00492 C
00493 C* Calculate and write flux correction term cfldcor on unit nlucor
00494 C
00495           CALL prcout('Calculate flux correction term', cfldcor, 1)
00496           CALL szero(pworkb,klon*klat)
00497           DO 392 jj = 1, klat
00498             DO 393 ji = 1, klon
00499 C
00500 C* The correction term is estimated only for atmosphere sea points with 
00501 C  underlying ocean sea points
00502 C
00503               IF (kmesh(ji,jj) .NE. 0 .AND. kmask(ji,jj) .EQ. 0) THEN
00504                   pworkb(ji,jj) = pfild(ji,jj) - pworka(ji,jj)
00505               ENDIF 
00506  393        CONTINUE
00507  392      CONTINUE
00508 C
00509 C* Rewind unit nlucor and write
00510 C
00511           IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00512               CALL prtout('Write it on logical unit ', nlucor, 2)
00513           ENDIF
00514           REWIND nlucor
00515           CALL locwrite(cfldcor, pworkb, klon*klat, nlucor, iflag)
00516           IF (iflag .NE. 0) THEN 
00517               CALL prcout
00518      $            ('WARNING: problem in writing field',
00519      $            cfldcor, 1)
00520               CALL prtout
00521      $            ('Error in writing logical unit', nlucor, 2)
00522               CALL HALTE('STOP in filling')
00523           ENDIF 
00524       ENDIF 
00525 C
00526 C* Assign intermediate array pworka values to final array pfild
00527 C
00528       DO 394 jj = 1, klat
00529         DO 395 ji = 1, klon
00530           pfild(ji,jj) = pworka(ji,jj)
00531  395    CONTINUE
00532  394  CONTINUE
00533 C
00534 C
00535 C*    4. End of routine
00536 C        --------------
00537 C
00538       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00539           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00540           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00541      $    '          --------- End of ROUTINE filling ---------'
00542           CALL FLUSH (nulou)
00543       ENDIF
00544       RETURN
00545       END
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