Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001       subroutine fracnnei (src_size, dst_size,
00002      $    ld_srcmask, ld_dstmask,
00003      $    src_lon, src_lat, dst_lon, dst_lat,
00004      $    num_links, num_wgts,
00005      $    weights, src_addr, dst_addr)
00006 C****
00007 C               *****************************
00008 C               * OASIS ROUTINE  -  LEVEL 4 *
00009 C               * -------------     ------- *
00010 C               *****************************
00011 C
00012 C**** *fracnnei* - SCRIP remapping
00013 C
00014 C     Purpose:
00015 C     -------
00016 C     Treatment of the tricky points in an interpolation
00017 C
00018 C     Interface:
00019 C     ---------
00020 C       *CALL*  *
00021 C
00022 C     Called from:
00023 C     -----------
00024 C     scriprmp
00025 C
00026 C     Input:
00027 C     -----
00028 C             src_size    : source grid size (integer)
00029 C             dst_size    : target grid size (integer)
00030 C             ld_srcmask  : mask of the source grid
00031 C             ld_dstmask  : mask of the target grid
00032 C             src_lon     : longitudes of the source grid
00033 C             src_lat     : latitudes of the source grid
00034 C             dst_lon     : longitudes of the target grid
00035 C             dst_lat     : latitudes of the target grid
00036 C             num_links   : total number of links
00037 C             num_wgts    : number of weights for each link
00038 C     InOut
00039 C     -----
00040 C             weights     : remapping weights
00041 C             src_addr    : remapping source addresses
00042 C             dst_addr    : remapping target addresses
00043 C
00044 C     History:
00045 C     -------
00046 C       Version   Programmer     Date        Description
00047 C       -------   ----------     ----        -----------  
00048 C       2.5       D.Declat       2002/08/20  adapted from S. Valcke ptmsq
00049 C       3.0       S. Valcke      2002/10/30  test and corrections
00050 C
00051 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00052 C* ---------------------------- Modules used ----------------------------
00053 C
00054       use kinds_mod     ! defines common data types
00055       use constants     ! defines common constants
00056       use grids         ! module containing grid information
00057       use remap_vars    ! module containing remap information
00058 C
00059 C* ---------------------------- Implicit --------------------------------
00060 C
00061       implicit none
00062 C
00063 C* ---------------------------- Include files ---------------------------
00064 C
00066 C      INCLUDE 'netcdf.inc'
00067 C
00068 C* ---------------------------- Intent In -------------------------------
00069 C
00070       INTEGER (kind=int_kind) ::
00071      $    src_size,             ! size of the source grid
00072      $    dst_size              ! size of the destination grid
00073 C
00074       REAL (kind=dbl_kind) ::
00075      $    src_lat(src_size), src_lon(src_size),
00076      $    dst_lat(dst_size), dst_lon(dst_size)
00078 C
00079       LOGICAL ::
00080      $    ld_srcmask(src_size),   ! source grid mask
00081      $    ld_dstmask(dst_size)    ! target grid mask
00082 C
00083       INTEGER (kind=int_kind) ::
00084      $    num_links,      ! number of links between src and tgt
00085      $    num_wgts        ! number of weights
00087 C
00088 C* ---------------------------- Intent InOut ------------------------------
00089 C
00090       REAL (kind=dbl_kind) ::
00091      $    weights(num_wgts, num_links) ! remapping weights
00092 C
00093       INTEGER (kind=int_kind) ::
00094      $    src_addr(num_links), ! remapping source addresses
00095      $    dst_addr(num_links)  ! remapping target addresses
00096 C
00097 C* ---------------------------- Local declarations ----------------------
00098 C
00099 C
00100       INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: 
00101      $    ila_nneiadd           ! Nearest-neighbor address
00102 C
00103       INTEGER (kind=int_kind) ::
00104      $    ib_dst,               ! INDEX loop for the distance grid
00105      $    ib_src,               ! INDEX loop for the source grid
00106      $    ib_neigh,             ! INDEX loop on the corresponding src pts
00107      $    ib_links              ! INDEX loop for the links      
00108 C
00109       INTEGER (kind=int_kind) ::
00110      $    nb_Vmm,               ! number of Mtt points
00111      $    ntottotland,          ! number of land points
00112      $    ntotland,             ! number of land points
00113      $    ntotoce,              ! number of oceanic points
00114      $    ntotngh               ! number of corresponding source points
00115 C
00116       INTEGER (kind=int_kind) ::
00117      $    beg_links,            ! begining of the serie of links
00118      $    nb_links              ! number of links
00119 C
00120       REAL (kind=dbl_kind) ::
00121      $    coslat,               ! cosinus of the latitude
00122      $    sinlat,               ! sinus of the latitude
00123      $    coslon,               ! cosinus of the longitude
00124      $    sinlon,               ! sinus of the longitude
00125      $    distance, 
00126      $    dist_min,
00127      $    arg
00128 C
00129       INTEGER (kind=int_kind) :: n, il
00130 C
00131 C* ---------------------------- Poema verses ----------------------------
00132 C
00133 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00134 C
00135 C*    1. Initialization
00136 C        --------------
00137 C
00138       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00139           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00140           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00141           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00142      $        '   Entering ROUTINE fracnnei  -  Level 4'
00143           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00144      $        '           ****************     *******'
00145           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00146           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00147      $        ' Treating the tricky points of the remapping'
00148           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00149           CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00150       ENDIF
00151 C
00152 C *----------------------------------------------------------------------
00153 C
00154 C*    2. Treating Vmm points   V
00155 C        -------------------  m m
00156 C     The target point is a non-masked Valid point while the source points 
00157 C         are all masked points. Use of the non-masked nearest neighbours.
00158 C
00159       nb_Vmm = 0
00160       ntottotland = 0
00161       beg_links = 1
00163 C* -- Loop all other the target points
00164       DO ib_dst = 1, dst_size
00165 C* -- If the point is a sea point
00166         IF (ld_dstmask(ib_dst)) THEN
00168             beg_links = 0
00170             DO ib_links = 1, num_links
00171               IF (dst_addr(ib_links) .eq. ib_dst) THEN
00172                   beg_links = ib_links
00173                   exit
00174               ENDIF
00175             END DO 
00177             IF (beg_links .ne. 0) THEN
00179                 ntotland = 0
00180                 ntotoce = 0
00181                 ntotngh = 0
00183 C* -- Find the number of associated src points to the non-masked tgt point
00184                 nb_links = 1
00185                 DO il = beg_links+1, num_links
00186                   IF (dst_addr(il) .eq. dst_addr(beg_links)) 
00187      $                nb_links = nb_links + 1
00188                 END DO
00190 C* -- For each point on the src grid associated to the non-masked tgt point
00191                 DO ib_neigh = 1, nb_links
00192 C
00193                   ntotngh = ntotngh + 1
00195 C* -- Check IF the point is a masked or non-masked point and treat it
00196                   IF (.not. ld_srcmask(src_addr(beg_links+ib_neigh-1)))
00197      $                THEN
00198                       ntotland = ntotland + 1
00199                       ntottotland = ntottotland + 1
00200                   ELSE IF (ld_srcmask(src_addr(beg_links+ib_neigh-1))) 
00201      $                    THEN
00202                       ntotoce = ntotoce + 1
00203                   ELSE
00204                       WRITE (nulou, *) 'Pb with ocean mask with Mtt 1' 
00205                   END IF
00207                 END DO
00209 C* -- If all the src points are land, treat it !
00210                 IF (ntotland .EQ. ntotngh) THEN
00211                     nb_Vmm = nb_Vmm + 1
00212                     WRITE(nulou,*) 
00213      $               '************ Doing FRACNNEI for point', ib_dst  
00215 C* -- Find the nearest neighbours and change weights and address 
00217                     coslat = cos(dst_lat(ib_dst))
00218                     sinlat = sin(dst_lat(ib_dst))
00219                     coslon = cos(dst_lon(ib_dst))
00220                     sinlon = sin(dst_lon(ib_dst))
00222                     dist_min = bignum
00223                     ila_nneiadd = 0
00224                     DO ib_src = 1, src_size
00225                       IF (ld_srcmask(ib_src)) THEN
00226                           arg = 
00227      &                        coslat*cos(src_lat(ib_src))*
00228      &                       (coslon*cos(src_lon(ib_src)) +
00229      &                        sinlon*sin(src_lon(ib_src)))+
00230      &                        sinlat*sin(src_lat(ib_src))
00231                           IF (arg < -1.0d0) THEN
00232                               arg = -1.0d0
00233                           ELSE IF (arg > 1.0d0) THEN
00234                               arg = 1.0d0
00235                           END IF
00236                           distance = acos(arg)
00237                           IF (distance < dist_min) THEN
00238                               ila_nneiadd = ib_src
00239                               dist_min = distance
00240                           ENDIF
00241                       ENDIF
00242                     END DO
00243                     src_addr(beg_links) = ila_nneiadd
00244                     weights(1,beg_links) = 1.0
00245                     WRITE(nulou,*) 
00246      $               '*************** Nearest source neighbour is ', 
00247      $                  ila_nneiadd                    
00248                     IF (nb_links > 1) then
00249                         DO n=2, nb_links
00250                           src_addr(beg_links+n-1)=0
00251                           weights(1,beg_links+n-1)=0.0
00252                         END DO
00253                     END IF
00254                 END IF
00255             END IF
00256         ENDIF
00257       END DO
00258 C
00259 C
00260 C *----------------------------------------------------------------------
00261 C
00262       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00263           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00264           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00265      $        '   Leaving ROUTINE fracnnei  -  Level 4'
00266           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00267           CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00268       ENDIF
00270       END SUBROUTINE fracnnei
00272 !***********************************************************************
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