Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 MODULE mod_sipc
00002 !
00003 ! -- sipc.h   97-08-11   Version 2.2   Author: S.Valcke,A.Piacentini
00004 !    ******
00005 !             18-03-02   Version 2.5   changed in module
00006 !@
00007 !@  Contents : variables describing pools (set of shared memory segments) 
00008 !@  --------
00009 !@
00010 !@ -- mpoolinit(r/w) : handles associated to model pools for passing initial 
00011 !@                     information(1 for reading and 1 for writing)
00012 !@
00013 !@ -- mpoolidin : handles associated to pools used to pass field to oasis
00014 !@
00015 !@ -- mpoolidou : handles associated to pools used to pass field from oasis
00016 !@ 
00017 !     -------------------------------------------------------------------
00018 !
00019   USE mod_kinds_oasis
00020   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: mpoolidin, mpoolidou
00021   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: mpoolinitr, mpoolinitw
00022 !
00023 !     -------------------------------------------------------------------
00024 END MODULE mod_sipc
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