Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 MODULE mod_string
00002 !
00003 ! -- string.h   26-07-95   Version 2.0   Author: Laurent Terray
00004 !    *******    25-09-96   Version 2.1   Addition of extra time step (nfend)
00005 !                                        and field integral flag (nintflx)
00006 !               12-11-97   Version 2.2   Addition of nmxdel
00007 !               05-09-00   Version 2.5   Remove integral flag nintflx   
00008 !               18-03-02   Version 2.5   changed in module
00009 !@
00010 !@  Contents : set of self consistent strings for each field
00011 !@  --------
00012 !@
00013 !@ First line of SSCS :
00014 !@ ------------------
00015 !@
00016 !@ -- cnaminp : symbolic name of input indirect fields 
00017 !@
00018 !@ -- cnamout : symbolic name of output indirect fields
00019 !@
00020 !@ -- cg_input_field : symbolic name of all input fields
00021 !@
00022 !@ -- cg_output_field : symbolic name of all output fields 
00023 !@
00024 !@ -- numlab : label number of exchanged fields indirectly
00025 !@
00026 !@ -- ig_numlab : label number of all exchanged fields
00027 !@
00028 !@ -- nfexch : coupling frequency of exchanged indirect fields (in seconds)
00029 !@
00030 !@ -- ig_freq : coupling frequency of all exchanged fields (in seconds)
00031 !@
00032 !@ -- ig_ntrans : number of analysis performed for each field
00033 !@
00034 !@ -- cficinp : restart file name of indirect input fields 
00035 !@
00036 !@ -- cg_restart_file : restart file name of all input fields  
00037 !@
00038 !@ -- ig_nbr_rstfile : number of different restart file
00039 !@
00040 !@ -- ig_no_rstfile : restart file number
00041 !@
00042 !@ -- cg_name_rstfile : name of restart file corresponding to ig_no_rstfile 
00043 !@
00044 !@ -- cficout : file name for output field in cases 'PIPE' or 'NONE'
00045 !@
00046 !@ -- cg_input_file : file name for input file in cases 'IGNOUT' or 'EXPOUT'
00047 !@
00048 !@ -- ig_lag : lag of exported field
00049 !@
00050 !@ -- nluninp : logical unit for input field
00051 !@
00052 !@ -- nlunout : logical unit for output field
00053 !@
00054 !@ -- cstate : field I/O status of indirect fields
00055 !@
00056 !@ -- ig_total_state : field I/O status of all the fields
00057 !@
00058 !@ -- lg_state : LOGICAL indicating if the field goes through Oasis (.true.)
00059 !@               or not (.false.)
00060 !@
00061 !@ -- ifrqmin : minimum exchange frequency of indirect fields
00062 !@
00063 !@ -- ig_total_frqmin :  minimum exchange frequency of all the fields
00064 !@
00065 !@ -- ig_number_field : Rank of the field going through oasis in total number 
00066 !@    of fields 
00067 !@
00068 !@ -- ig_local_trans : Local transformation of fields 
00069 !@
00070 !@ Second line of SSCS :
00071 !@ -------------------
00072 !@
00073 !@ -- nlonbf : number of longitudes for initial fields
00074 !@
00075 !@ -- nlatbf : number of latitudes for initial fields
00076 !@
00077 !@ -- nlonaf : number of longitudes for initial fields
00078 !@
00079 !@ -- nlataf : number of latitudes for initial fields
00080 !@
00081 !@ -- cficbf : root name of specific files for initial fields
00082 !@
00083 !@ -- cficaf : root name of specific files for final fields
00084 !@
00085 !@ -- ig_grid_nbrbf : grid number associated to a field before interpolation
00086 !@ 
00087 !@ -- ig_grid_nbraf : grid number associated to a field after interpolation
00088 !@
00089 !@ -- nseqn  : sequential index of indirect fields
00090 !@
00091 !@ -- nlagn  : lag index of indirect fields
00092 !@
00093 !@ -- ig_total_nseqn : sequential index of all the fields
00094 !@
00095 !@ -- ig_invert: index=1 if INVERT is used for that field
00096 !@
00097 !@ -- ig_reverse: index=1 if REVERSE is used for that field
00098 !@   
00099 !@ Third line of SSCS :
00100 !@ ------------------
00101 !@
00102 !@ -- canal : names of analysis performed for each field 
00103 !@
00104 !@ Relation between symbolic name of the field and port number of 
00105 !@ CLIM library :
00106 !@  
00107 !@ -- ig_portin_id : port number of input fields
00108 !@
00109 !@ -- ig_portout_id : port number of output fields
00110 !@
00111 !  -------------------------------------------------------------------
00112 !
00113   USE mod_kinds_oasis
00114   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: numlab, ig_numlab, nfexch, ig_ntrans
00115   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: ig_total_ntrans
00116   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: nluinp, nluout, nlonbf
00117   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: nlatbf, nlonaf, nlataf
00118   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: nseqn, ig_total_nseqn
00119   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: ig_freq, ig_lag, nlagn 
00120   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: ig_invert, ig_reverse
00121   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: ig_number_field, ig_no_rstfile
00122   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: ig_total_state, ig_local_trans
00123   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: ig_portin_id, ig_portout_id
00124   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: ig_grid_nbrbf, ig_grid_nbraf
00125   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p)                          :: ifrqmin, ig_nbr_rstfile
00126   INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p)                          :: ig_total_frqmin
00130 !
00131   CHARACTER(len=8),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: cnaminp, cnamout
00132   CHARACTER(len=8),DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: canal 
00133   CHARACTER(len=8),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: cg_name_rstfile, cg_restart_file
00134   CHARACTER(len=8),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: cficinp, cficout
00135   CHARACTER(len=32),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: cg_input_file
00136   CHARACTER(len=8),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: cg_input_field, cg_output_field
00137   CHARACTER(len=8),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: cficbf, cficaf, cstate
00138   CHARACTER(len=4),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: cga_locatorbf, cga_locatoraf
00140 !     -------------------------------------------------------------------
00141 END MODULE mod_string
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