Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001       SUBROUTINE mozaic (pfldn, ksizn, pfldo, ksizo,
00002      $                   cdfic, kunit, cdgrd, knumb,
00003      $                   pwork, kwork, knbor, ldread)
00004 C****
00005 C               *****************************
00006 C               * OASIS ROUTINE  -  LEVEL 3 *
00007 C               * -------------     ------- *
00008 C               *****************************
00009 C
00010 C**** *mozaic* - Mapping interpolation
00011 C
00012 C     Purpose:
00013 C     -------
00014 C     Do simple mapping interpolation from a source to a target grid
00015 C
00016 C**   Interface:
00017 C     ---------
00018 C       *CALL*  *mozaic (pfildn, ksizn, pfildo, ksizo, cdfic, kunit,
00019 C                        cdgrd. knumb, pwork, kwork, knbor, ldread)*
00020 C
00021 C     Input:
00022 C     -----
00023 C                pfldo  : field on source grid (real 1D)
00024 C                ksizn  : size of field array on target grid(integer)
00025 C                ksizo  : size of field array on source grid(integer)
00026 C                kunit  : logical unit numbers for mapping file (integer)
00027 C                cdfic  : filename for mapping data (character)
00028 C                cdgrd  : locator to read mapping data in cdfic (character)
00029 C                knumb  : mapping dataset identity number (integer)
00030 C                pwork  : temporary array to read mapping weights (real 2D)
00031 C                kwork  : temporary array to read mapping array (integer 2D)
00032 C                knbor  : maximum number of source grid neighbors with non zero
00033 C                         intersection with a target grid-square (integer)
00034 C                ldread : logical flag to read mapping data
00035 C
00036 C     Output:
00037 C     ------
00038 C                pfldn  : field on target grid (real 1D)
00039 C
00040 C     Workspace:
00041 C     ---------
00042 C     None
00043 C
00044 C     Externals:
00045 C     ---------
00046 C     locrint
00047 C
00048 C     Reference:
00049 C     ---------
00050 C     See OASIS manual (1995)
00051 C
00052 C     History:
00053 C     -------
00054 C       Version   Programmer     Date      Description
00055 C       -------   ----------     ----      -----------  
00056 C       2.0       L. Terray      96/02/01  created
00057 C       2.1       L. Terray      96/08/05  modified: Add logical flag to
00058 C                                          read adresses and weights
00059 C       2.3       S. Valcke      99/04/30  added: printing levels
00060 C       2.4       S. Valcke      2K/02/05  corrected for overflow pfldo(0)
00061 C
00062 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00063 C
00064 C* ---------------------------- Include files ---------------------------
00065 C
00066       USE mod_unit
00067       USE mod_printing
00068 C
00069 C* ---------------------------- Argument declarations -------------------
00070 C
00071       REAL (kind=ip_realwp_p) pfldn(ksizn), pfldo(ksizo), 
00072      $    pwork(knbor,ksizn)
00073       INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) kwork(knbor,ksizn)
00074       CHARACTER*8 cdfic, cdgrd
00075       LOGICAL ldread
00076 C
00077 C* ---------------------------- Local declarations ----------------------
00078 C
00079       CHARACTER*8 clweight, cladress
00080 C
00081 C* ---------------------------- Poema verses ----------------------------
00082 C
00083 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00084 C
00085 C*    1. Initialization
00086 C        --------------
00087 C
00088       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00089           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)' '
00090           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)'      ROUTINE mozaic  -  Level 3'
00091           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)'      **************     *******'
00092           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)' '
00093           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)' grid mapping interpolation'
00094           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00095           CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00096       ENDIF
00097 C
00098 C* initialize error flag for I/O routine
00099 C
00100       iflag = 0
00101 C
00102 C
00103 C*    2. Read mapping data the first time
00104 C        --------------------------------
00105 C
00106       IF (ldread) THEN 
00107 C
00108 C* Initialize locators and array sizes
00109 C
00110           WRITE(clweight,'(''WEIGHTS'',I1)') knumb
00111           WRITE(cladress,'(''ADRESSE'',I1)') knumb
00112           isize = ksizn * knbor
00113 C
00114 C* Adress of overlapped points on source grid
00115 C
00116           CALL locrint (cladress, kwork, isize, kunit, iflag)
00117 C
00118 C* Checking
00119 C
00120           IF (iflag .NE. 0) THEN 
00121               CALL prcout
00122      $            ('WARNING: problem in reading mapping data',
00123      $            cdgrd, 1)
00124               CALL prcout
00125      $            ('Could not get adress array', cladress, 1)
00126               CALL prtout
00127      $            ('Error reading logical unit', kunit, 1)
00128               CALL prcout
00129      $            ('It is connected to file', cdfic, 1)
00130               CALL HALTE ('STOP in mozaic') 
00131           ENDIF
00132 C
00133 C* Weights of overlapped points on source grid
00134 C
00135           CALL locread (clweight, pwork, isize, kunit, iflag)
00136 C
00137 C* Checking
00138 C
00139           IF (iflag .NE. 0) THEN 
00140               CALL prcout
00141      $            ('WARNING: problem in reading mapping data',
00142      $            cdgrd, 1)
00143               CALL prcout
00144      $            ('Could not get weight array', clweight, 1)
00145               CALL prtout
00146      $            ('Error reading logical unit', kunit, 1)
00147               CALL prcout
00148      $            ('It is connected to file', cdfic, 1)
00149               CALL HALTE ('STOP in mozaic') 
00150           ENDIF
00151           ldread = .FALSE. 
00152       ENDIF 
00153 C
00154 C
00155 C*    3. Do the mapping interpolation
00156 C        ----------------------------
00157 C
00158 C* Loop on all the target grid points
00159 C
00160       DO 310 ji = 1, ksizn
00161         zsum = 0.
00162         DO 320 jk = 1, knbor
00163           IF (kwork(jk,ji) .NE. 0) 
00164      $         zsum = zsum + pwork(jk,ji) * pfldo(kwork(jk,ji))
00165  320    CONTINUE 
00166         pfldn(ji) = zsum
00167  310  CONTINUE
00168 C
00169 C
00170 C*    4. End of routine
00171 C        --------------
00172 C
00173       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00174           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00175           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00176      $    '          --------- End of ROUTINE mozaic ---------'
00177           CALL FLUSH (nulou)
00178       ENDIF
00179       RETURN
00180       END
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