Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001     subroutine MPP_SUM_( a, length, pelist )
00002 !sums array a over the PEs in pelist (all PEs if this argument is omitted)
00003 !result is also automatically broadcast: all PEs have the sum in a at the end
00004 !we are using f77-style call: array passed by address and not descriptor; further, the f90 conformance check is avoided.
00005       integer, intent(in) :: length
00006       integer, intent(in), optional :: pelist(:)
00007       MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: a(*)
00008       integer :: n
00009 #ifdef use_libSMA
00010 !first <length> words are array, rest are pWrk
00011       MPP_TYPE_ :: work(length+length/2+1+SHMEM_REDUCE_MIN_WRKDATA_SIZE)
00012       pointer( ptr, work )
00013       integer :: words
00014       character(len=8) :: text
00015 #else
00016       MPP_TYPE_ :: work(length)
00017 #endif
00019       if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_SUM: You must first call mpp_init.' )
00020       n = get_peset(pelist); if( peset(n)%count.EQ.1 )return
00022       if( current_clock.NE.0 )call SYSTEM_CLOCK(start_tick)
00023 #ifdef use_libSMA
00024 !allocate space from the stack for pwrk and b
00025       ptr = LOC(mpp_stack)
00026       words = size(work)*size(transfer(work(1),word))
00027       if( words.GT.mpp_stack_size )then
00028           write( text, '(i8)' )words
00029           call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_SUM user stack overflow: call mpp_set_stack_size('//text//') from all PEs.' )
00030       end if
00031       mpp_stack_hwm = max( words, mpp_stack_hwm )
00032       work(1:length) = a(1:length)
00033       call mpp_sync(pelist)
00034       call SHMEM_SUM_( work, work, length, peset(n)%start, peset(n)%log2stride, peset(n)%count, work(length+1), sync )
00035 #endif use_libSMA
00036 #ifdef use_libMPI
00037       if( verbose )call mpp_error( NOTE, 'MPP_SUM: using MPI_ALLREDUCE...' )
00038       if( debug )write( stderr(),* )'pe, n, peset(n)%id=', pe, n, peset(n)%id
00039       call MPI_ALLREDUCE( a, work, length, MPI_TYPE_, MPI_SUM, peset(n)%id, error )
00040 #endif
00041       a(1:length) = work(1:length)
00042       if( current_clock.NE.0 )call increment_current_clock( EVENT_ALLREDUCE, length*MPP_TYPE_BYTELEN_ )
00043       return
00044     end subroutine MPP_SUM_
00046     subroutine MPP_SUM_SCALAR_( a, pelist )
00047 !sums array a when only first element is passed: this routine just converts to a call to MPP_SUM_
00048       MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: a
00049       integer, intent(in), optional :: pelist(:)
00050       MPP_TYPE_ :: b(1)
00052       b(1) = a
00053       if( debug )call mpp_error( NOTE, 'MPP_SUM_SCALAR_: calling MPP_SUM_ ...' )
00054       call MPP_SUM_( b, 1, pelist )
00055       a = b(1)
00056       return
00057     end subroutine MPP_SUM_SCALAR_
00059     subroutine MPP_SUM_2D_( a, length, pelist )
00060       MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: a(:,:)
00061       integer, intent(in) :: length
00062       integer, intent(in), optional :: pelist(:)
00063       MPP_TYPE_ :: a1D(length)
00064 #ifdef use_CRI_pointers
00065       pointer( ptr, a1D )
00066       ptr = LOC(a)
00067 #else
00068 !faster than RESHAPE? length is probably redundant
00069       a1D = TRANSFER( a, a1D, length ) 
00070 !      a1D = RESHAPE( a, SHAPE(a1D) )
00071       call mpp_sum( a1D, length, pelist )
00072       a = RESHAPE( a1D, SHAPE(a) )
00073 #endif
00074       return
00075     end subroutine MPP_SUM_2D_
00077     subroutine MPP_SUM_3D_( a, length, pelist )
00078       MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: a(:,:,:)
00079       integer, intent(in) :: length
00080       integer, intent(in), optional :: pelist(:)
00081       MPP_TYPE_ :: a1D(length)
00082 #ifdef use_CRI_pointers
00083       pointer( ptr, a1D )
00084       ptr = LOC(a)
00085 #else
00086 !faster than RESHAPE? length is probably redundant
00087       a1D = TRANSFER( a, a1D, length )
00088 !      a1D = RESHAPE( a, SHAPE(a1D) )
00089       call mpp_sum( a1D, length, pelist )
00090       a = RESHAPE( a1D, SHAPE(a) )
00091 #endif
00092       return
00093     end subroutine MPP_SUM_3D_
00095     subroutine MPP_SUM_4D_( a, length, pelist )
00096       MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: a(:,:,:,:)
00097       integer, intent(in) :: length
00098       integer, intent(in), optional :: pelist(:)
00099       MPP_TYPE_ :: a1D(length)
00100 #ifdef use_CRI_pointers
00101       pointer( ptr, a1D )
00102       ptr = LOC(a)
00103 #else
00104 !faster than RESHAPE? length is probably redundant
00105       a1D = TRANSFER( a, a1D, length )
00106 !      a1D = RESHAPE( a, SHAPE(a1D) )
00107       call mpp_sum( a1D, length, pelist )
00108       a = RESHAPE( a1D, SHAPE(a) )
00109 #endif
00110       return
00111     end subroutine MPP_SUM_4D_
00113     subroutine MPP_SUM_5D_( a, length, pelist )
00114       MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: a(:,:,:,:,:)
00115       integer, intent(in) :: length
00116       integer, intent(in), optional :: pelist(:)
00117       MPP_TYPE_ :: a1D(length)
00118 #ifdef use_CRI_pointers
00119       pointer( ptr, a1D )
00120       ptr = LOC(a)
00121 #else
00122 !faster than RESHAPE? length is probably redundant
00123       a1D = TRANSFER( a, a1D, length )
00124 !      a1D = RESHAPE( a, SHAPE(a1D) )
00125       call mpp_sum( a1D, length, pelist )
00126       a = RESHAPE( a1D, SHAPE(a) )
00127 #endif
00128       return
00129     end subroutine MPP_SUM_5D_
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