Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001       SUBROUTINE nagset(px1, py1, p1surf,
00002      $                  kmsk1, kvmsk1, kngx1, kngy1,
00003      $                  px2, py2, p2surf,
00004      $                  kmsk2, kvmsk2, kngx2, kngy2,
00005      $                  cdtyp,
00006      $                  pr1to2, k1to2, kw1to2, psgr1, psgr2,
00007      $                  psz12, krdwt, kwlun, knumber)
00008 C****
00009 C
00010 C               *****************************
00011 C               * OASIS ROUTINE  -  LEVEL 3 *
00012 C               * -------------     ------- *
00013 C               *****************************
00014 C
00015 C**** *nagset* - Weight calculation for the global anais method
00016 C
00017 C     Purpose:
00018 C     -------
00019 C     Weight calculation for the global anais method
00020 C
00021 C**   Interface:
00022 C     ---------
00023 C       *CALL*  *nagset(px1, py1, p1surf, kmsk1, kvmsk1, kngx1, kngy1,
00024 C                       px2, py2, p2surf, kmsk2, kvmsk2, kngx2, kngy2,
00025 C                       pr1to2, k1to2, kw1to2, psgr1, psgr2, 
00026 C                       psz12, krdwt, kwlun, knumber)*
00027 C     Input:
00028 C     -----
00029 C                kngx1   : number of longitudes for source grid
00030 C                kngy1   : number of latitudes for source grid
00031 C                px1     : longitudes for source grid (real 2D)
00032 C                py1     : latitudes for source grid (real 2D)
00033 C                p1surf  : grid square surfaces for source grid (real 2D)
00034 C                kmsk1   : the mask for source grid (integer 2D)
00035 C                kvmsk1  : the value of the mask for source grid
00036 C                kngx2   : number of longitudes for target grid
00037 C                kngy2   : number of latitudes for target grid
00038 C                px2     : longitudes for target grid (real 2D)
00039 C                py2     : latitudes for target grid (real 2D)
00040 C                p2surf  : grid square surfaces for target grid (real 2D)
00041 C                kmsk2   : the mask of target grid (integer 2D)
00042 C                kvmsk2  : the value of the mask for target grid
00043 C                cdtyp   : type of source grid  
00044 C                psz12   : variance multiplicator
00045 C                kw1to2  : number of neighbors used for the weights
00046 C                krdwt   : read/write flag for the weights
00047 C                kwlun   : logical unit for the weights
00048 C                knumber : flag to identify appropriate Anaism dataset
00049 C
00050 C     Output:
00051 C     ------
00052 C                pr1to2  : weights for Anaism interpolation (real 2D)
00053 C                k1to2   : source grid neighbors adresses (integer 2D)
00054 C                psgr1   : source grid spherical surface (p1surf/Rearth**2)
00055 C                psgr2   : target grid spherical surface (p2surf/Rearth**2)
00056 C                  
00057 C
00058 C     Workspace:
00059 C     ---------
00060 C     None
00061 C
00062 C     External:
00063 C     --------
00064 C     qcscur, ssumr, grstat, qgrhal, icoor, jcoor
00065 C     locwrint, locwrite, locread, locrint,
00066 C     
00067 C     References:
00068 C     ----------
00069 C     O. Thual, Simple ocean-atmosphere interpolation. 
00070 C               Part A: The method, EPICOA 0629 (1992)
00071 C               Part B: Software implementation, EPICOA 0630 (1992)
00072 C     See also OASIS manual(1995)
00073 C
00074 C     History:
00075 C     -------
00076 C       Version   Programmer     Date      Description
00077 C       -------   ----------     ----      ----------- 
00078 C       1.1       O. Thual       93/04/15  created 
00079 C       2.0       L. Terray      95/12/01  modified: new structure
00080 C       2.3       S. Valcke      99/04/30  added: printing levels
00081 C
00082 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00083 C
00084 C* ---------------------------- Include files ---------------------------
00085 C
00086       USE mod_unit
00087       USE mod_parameter
00088       USE mod_analysis
00089       USE mod_printing
00090 C
00091 C* ---------------------------- Argument declarations -------------------
00092 C
00093       REAL (kind=ip_realwp_p) px1(kngx1,kngy1), py1(kngx1,kngy1), 
00094      $    psgr1(kngx1,kngy1)
00095       REAL (kind=ip_realwp_p) px2(kngx2,kngy2), py2(kngx2,kngy2), 
00096      $    psgr2(kngx2,kngy2)
00097       REAL (kind=ip_realwp_p) pr1to2(kw1to2,kngx2*kngy2), 
00098      $    p1surf(kngx1,kngy1)
00099       REAL (kind=ip_realwp_p) p2surf(kngx2,kngy2) 
00100       INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) kmsk1(kngx1,kngy1), kmsk2(kngx2,kngy2)
00101       INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) k1to2(kw1to2,kngx2*kngy2)
00102       CHARACTER*1 cdtyp
00103 C
00104 C* ---------------------------- Local declarations ----------------------
00105 C
00106       CHARACTER*8 cladress, clweight
00107       CHARACTER*1 cltyp
00108       LOGICAL ll_areas
00109 C
00110 C* ---------------------------- Poema verses ----------------------------
00111 C
00112 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00113 C
00114 C*    1. Initializations and checkings
00115 C        -----------------------------
00116 C
00117       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00118           WRITE(UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00119           WRITE(UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00120           WRITE(UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00121      $    '           ROUTINE nagset  -  Level 3'
00122           WRITE(UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00123      $    '           **************     *******'
00124           WRITE(UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00125           WRITE(UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00126      $    ' Set up global anais interpolation weights'
00127           WRITE(UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00128           WRITE(UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00129           CALL FLUSH (nulou)
00130       ENDIF
00131 C
00132 C* Define global dimensions and other local variables
00133 C
00134       ing1 = kngx1 * kngy1
00135       ing2 = kngx2 * kngy2
00136       ivmsk1 = kvmsk1
00137       ivmsk2 = kvmsk2
00138       iflag = 0
00139 C
00140 C* Locators
00141 C
00142       WRITE(clweight,'(''WEIGHTS'',I1)') knumber
00143       WRITE(cladress,'(''ADRESSE'',I1)') knumber
00144 C
00145 C* Printing
00146 C
00147       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00148           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) '           ANAIS output FILE '
00149           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) '           ***** ****** **** '
00150           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00151           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) '            Routine nagset '
00152           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) '            -------------- '
00153           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00154       ENDIF
00155 C
00156 C*    2. Statistics of source grid
00157 C        -------------------------
00158 C
00159       cltyp = cdtyp
00160 C* The following routines calculate some info about the grids
00161 C* if mesh surface information is present
00162 C 
00163       ll_areas = .false.
00164       DO 200 ix = 1, kngx1
00165         DO 210 iy = 1, kngy1 
00166           IF (p1surf(ix, iy) .gt. 0.) ll_areas = .true.
00167  210    CONTINUE
00168  200  CONTINUE
00169       IF (ll_areas) THEN
00170           CALL qcscur (psgr1, kngx1, kngy1, p1surf)
00171           zsum = ssumr (psgr1, ing1)
00172 C
00173 C* Printing on ANAIS output file
00174 C
00175           IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00176               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00177      $            '      Some statistics about the source grid '
00178               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00179      $            '      ************************************* '
00180               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00181               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00182      $            ' Sum of grid square surfaces = ', zsum
00183               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00184      $            ' It must be equal to 4 x PI  = ', 16. * atan(1.)
00185               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00186           ENDIF
00187       ELSE
00188          WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 'No statistics will be performed'
00189          WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 'on source grid as the mesh area'
00190          WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 'info is not present.'
00191       ENDIF
00192 C
00193 C* Calculate for source non masked points the following data :
00194 C                *****************
00195 C           - total surface
00196 C           - average inter-point distance
00197 C           - inverse of the sum of surface elements squared
00198 C
00199 C* Note: The surface and the sum of surface elements squared will not 
00200 C  be significant IF no information on grid mesh is present but the 
00201 C  average inter-point distance will be significant and used after.
00202 C  For "U" grids, this distance is based on all
00203 C  consecutive points in the arrays, which is not exact
00204 C
00205       CALL grstat (px1, py1, psgr1, kmsk1, kngx1, kngy1, cltyp,
00206      $    zamsh1, zstot1, zhhi1, ivmsk1) 
00207 C
00208       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00209           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00210           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00211      $        ' Source grid average mesh distance = ', sqrt(zamsh1) 
00212       ENDIF
00213       IF (ll_areas) THEN
00214 C* Printing
00215 C
00216           IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN 
00217               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00218      $            ' Some info for non masked points only '
00219               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00220      $            ' ******************************* '
00221               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00222      $            'Source grid total surface = ', zstot1
00223               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00224      $            'Source grid inverse of sum surf. elts. squared = ', 
00225      $            zhhi1
00226           ENDIF
00227       ENDIF
00228 C
00229 C
00230 C*    3. Statistics of target grid
00231 C        -------------------------
00232 C
00233       ll_areas = .false.
00234       DO 300 ix = 1, kngx2
00235         DO 310 iy = 1, kngy2 
00236           IF (p2surf(ix, iy) .gt. 0.) ll_areas = .true.
00237  310    CONTINUE
00238  300  CONTINUE
00239       IF (ll_areas) THEN
00240 C*       The following routines calculate some interesting info 
00241 C*       about the target grid
00242 C
00243 C*       Calculate surface elements (curvilinear)
00244 C
00245           CALL qcscur (psgr2, kngx2, kngy2, p2surf)
00246           zsum = ssumr (psgr2, ing2)
00247           IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN  
00248               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00249               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00250      $            '      Some statistics about the target grid '
00251               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00252      $            '      ************************************* '
00253               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00254               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00255      $            ' Sum of grid square surfaces = ', zsum
00256               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00257      $            ' It must be equal to 4 x PI  = ', 
00258      $            16. * atan(1.) 
00259               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00260           ENDIF
00262       ELSE
00263          WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 'No statistics will be performed'
00264          WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 'on target grid as the mesh area'
00265          WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 'info is not present.'
00266       ENDIF
00267 C
00268 C* Calculate for target non masked points the following data :
00269 C                ************************
00270 C           - total surface
00271 C           - average inter-point distance
00272 C           - inverse of the sum of surface elements squared
00273 C* Note: The surface and the sum of surface elements squared will not 
00274 C  be significant IF no information on grid mesh is present but the 
00275 C  average inter-point distance will be significant.
00276 C  For "U" grids, this distance is based on all
00277 C  consecutive points in the arrays, which is not exact
00278 C  In all cases, this information is not used afterwards.
00279 C
00280       CALL grstat (px2, py2, psgr2, kmsk2, kngx2, kngy2, cltyp,
00281      $    zamsh2, zstot2, zhhi2, ivmsk2)
00282 C
00283       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00284           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00285           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00286      $        ' Target grid average mesh distance = ', sqrt(zamsh2)
00287       ENDIF
00288 C
00289       IF (ll_areas) THEN
00290 C* Printing
00291 C
00292           IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN  
00293               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00294      $            ' Some info for non masked points only '
00295               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00296      $            ' ******************************* '
00297               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00298      $            'Target grid total surface = ', zstot2
00299               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00300      $            ' Target grid inverse of sum surf. elts. squared = ',
00301      $            zhhi2
00302           ENDIF
00303       ENDIF
00304 C
00305 C
00306 C*    4. Preparation of the neighbour search
00307 C        -----------------------------------
00308 C
00309 C* Consistency checking
00310 C
00311       IF (kw1to2 .GT. ing2) THEN
00312           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' WARNING: kw1to2 .gt. ing2 '
00313           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' *******  ------      ---- '
00314           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00315      $        ' kw1to2 = ',kw1to2,' ing2 = ',ing2
00316       ENDIF
00317 C
00318 C* Variance for gaussian weight function
00319 C
00320       zs1to2 = zamsh1 * psz12
00321 C
00322 C* Printing
00323 C
00324       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN    
00325           WRITE(UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00326           WRITE(UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00327      $    ' Gaussian variance is zs1to2 = ', zs1to2
00328           WRITE(UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00329       ENDIF
00330 C
00331 C
00332 C*    5. Weights determination
00333 C        ---------------------
00334 C
00335 C* Initialization for read write options
00336 C 
00337       IF (krdwt .EQ. 1) THEN
00338 C
00339 C* Writing
00340 C  -------
00341 C
00342 C* Calculates and write weights after checking numbers 
00343 C
00344 C* Calculates weights 
00345 C
00346           CALL qgrhal (pr1to2, k1to2, kw1to2,
00347      $                 px2, py2, kmsk2, kngx2, kngy2,
00348      $                 px1, py1, kmsk1, kngx1, kngy1, 
00349      $                 zs1to2, ivmsk1, ivmsk2)
00350 C
00351 C* Write  weights + other useful stuff
00352 C
00353 C* - write main locator string + weights
00354 C
00355           CALL locwrite (clweight, pr1to2, kw1to2*kngx2*kngy2, 
00356      $                   kwlun, iflag)
00357           IF (iflag .NE. 0) THEN
00358               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00359      $            'Problem in writing on UNIT = ', kwlun
00360               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)
00361      $            'String locator is = ', clweight
00362               CALL HALTE ('Stop in nagset')
00363           ENDIF
00364 C
00365 C* - write nearest neighbors adresses
00366 C
00367           CALL locwrint (cladress, k1to2, kw1to2*kngx2*kngy2,
00368      $                   kwlun, iflag)
00369           IF (iflag .NE. 0) THEN
00370               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00371      $            'Problem in writing on UNIT = ', kwlun
00372               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)
00373      $            'String locator is = ', cladress
00374               CALL HALTE ('Stop in nagset')
00375           ENDIF
00376 C
00377 C* - write  checkings numbers (grid parameters)
00378 C
00379           write(kwlun) kngx1, kngy1, kngx2, kngy2
00380 C
00381 C* Job is done
00382 C
00383           IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN  
00384               CALL prtout('Wrote weights on unit = ', kwlun, 1) 
00385           ENDIF
00386 C
00387 C* Reading
00388 C  -------
00389 C
00390         ELSE
00391 C
00392 C* Reads weights and checks  
00393 C
00394 C* - Read weight locator string + weights
00395 C
00396           CALL locread (clweight, pr1to2, kw1to2*kngx2*kngy2, 
00397      $                   kwlun, iflag)
00398           IF (iflag .NE. 0) THEN
00399               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00400      $            'Problem in reading on UNIT = ', kwlun
00401               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)
00402      $            'String locator is = ', clweight
00403               CALL HALTE ('Stop in nagset')
00404           ENDIF
00405 C
00406 C* - Read nearest neighbors adresses
00407 C
00408           CALL locrint (cladress, k1to2, kw1to2*kngx2*kngy2,
00409      $                   kwlun, iflag)
00410           IF (iflag .NE. 0) THEN
00411               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00412      $            'Problem in reading on UNIT = ', kwlun
00413               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)
00414      $            'String locator is = ', cladress
00415               CALL HALTE ('Stop in nagset')
00416           ENDIF
00417 C
00418 C* - Read  checkings numbers (grid parameters)
00419 C
00420           READ(kwlun) ingx1, ingy1, ingx2, ingy2
00421 C
00422 C* Checks
00423 C
00424           IF (ingx1 .NE. kngx1 .OR. ingy1 .NE. kngy1 .OR. 
00425      $        ingx2 .NE. kngx2 .OR. ingy2 .NE. kngy2) THEN
00426               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00427      $            ' Inconsistency in gweights file'
00428               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00429      $            'ingx1 = ',ingx1,'kngx1 = ',kngx1
00430               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00431      $            'ingy1 = ',ingy1,'kngy1 = ',kngy1
00432               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00433      $            'ingx2 = ',ingx2,'kngx2 = ',kngx2
00434               WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00435      $            'ingy2 = ',ingy2,'kngy2 = ',kngy2
00436               CALL HALTE ('Stop in nagset')
00437           ENDIF
00438 C
00439 C* Reading of weights done
00440 C
00441           IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN 
00442               CALL prtout
00443      $        ('Reading of weights done on unit = ', kwlun, 1)
00444           ENDIF
00445       ENDIF
00446 C
00447 C
00448 C*    6. Printing weights and adresses on ANAIS output file
00449 C        --------------------------------------------------
00450 C
00451       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN  
00452           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00453           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) 
00454      $    ' Print weights and adresses of nearest neighbors '
00455           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *)
00456      $    ' *********************************************** '
00457           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = *) ' '
00458           WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = 6030) kw1to2
00459           DO 610 jj = 1, kngy2 
00460             DO 620 ji = 1, kngx2
00461               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = 6010) ji, jj
00462               WRITE (UNIT = nulan,FMT = 6020) px2(ji,jj), py2(ji,jj)
00463               IF (kmsk2(ji,jj) .EQ. 0) THEN 
00464                   DO 630 jn = 1, kw1to2
00465                     iind = ji + kngx2 * (jj-1)
00466                     iadr = k1to2(jn,iind)
00467                     ix = icoor(iadr,kngx1)
00468                     iy = jcoor(iadr,kngx1)
00469                     WRITE(UNIT = nulan,FMT = 6040) jn, pr1to2(jn,iind)
00470                     WRITE(UNIT = nulan,FMT = 6050) 
00471      $              ix, iy, px1(ix,iy), py1(ix,iy)
00472  630              CONTINUE 
00473               ELSE
00474                   WRITE(UNIT = nulan,FMT = 6060)
00475               ENDIF 
00476  620        CONTINUE
00477  610      CONTINUE
00478           CALL FLUSH(nulan)
00479       ENDIF
00480 C
00481 C* Formats
00482 C
00483  6010 FORMAT(/,' Target grid point --  i = ',I3,' j = ',I3)
00484  6020 FORMAT(' Point coordinates -- long = ',F9.4,' lat = ',F9.4)
00485  6030 FORMAT(3X,'Number of nearest source grid neighbors = ',I3)
00486  6040 FORMAT(5X,' neighbor number = ',I3,' weight is = ',F6.4)
00487  6050 FORMAT(5X,' i = ',I3,' j = ',I3,' lon = ',F9.4,' lat = ',F9.4)
00488  6060 FORMAT(5X,' This is a continental point on the target grid ')
00489 C
00490 C
00491 C*    7. End of routine
00492 C        --------------
00493 C
00494       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN  
00495           WRITE(UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00496           WRITE(UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00497      $    '          --------- End of ROUTINE nagset ---------'
00498           CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00499       ENDIF
00500       RETURN
00501       END
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