Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001       SUBROUTINE pcssph (px, py, psgr, kngx, kngy)
00002 C****
00003 C               *****************************
00004 C               * OASIS ROUTINE  -  LEVEL T *
00005 C               * -------------     ------- *
00006 C               *****************************
00007 C
00008 C**** *pcssph* -  Arithmetic routine
00009 C
00010 C     Purpose:
00011 C     -------
00012 C     Calculate surface element for a spheric and periodic grid.
00013 C     The coordinates are in degrees, there are no pole points.
00014 C
00015 C**   Interface:
00016 C     ---------
00017 C       *CALL*  *pcssph(px, py, psgr, kngx, kngy)*
00018 C
00019 C     Input:
00020 C     -----
00021 C                px   : grid longitudes (real 2D)
00022 C                py   : grid latitudes (real 2D)
00023 C                kngx : number of longitudes
00024 C                kngy : number of latitudes
00025 C
00026 C     Output:
00027 C     ------
00028 C                psgr : grid surface elements (real 2D)
00029 C
00030 C
00031 C     Workspace:
00032 C     ---------
00033 C     None
00034 C
00035 C     External:
00036 C     --------
00037 C     None
00038 C
00039 C     References:
00040 C     ----------
00041 C     O. Thual, Simple ocean-atmosphere interpolation. 
00042 C               Part A: The method, EPICOA 0629 (1992)
00043 C               Part B: Software implementation, EPICOA 0630 (1992)
00044 C     See also OASIS manual (1995)
00045 C
00046 C     History:
00047 C     -------
00048 C       Version   Programmer     Date      Description
00049 C       -------   ----------     ----      ----------- 
00050 C       1.1       O. Thual       93/04/15  created 
00051 C       2.0       L. Terray      95/10/01  modified: new structure
00052 C
00053 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00054 C
00055 C* ---------------------------- Include files ---------------------------
00056 C
00057       USE mod_unit
00058       USE mod_printing
00059 C
00060 C* ---------------------------- Argument declarations -------------------
00061 C     
00062       REAL (kind=ip_realwp_p) px(kngx,kngy), py(kngx,kngy)
00063       REAL (kind=ip_realwp_p) psgr(kngx,kngy)
00064 C
00065 C* ---------------------------- Poema verses ----------------------------
00066 C
00067 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00068 C
00069       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00070           WRITE(nulou,*) '***** * Entering ROUTINE pcssph ******* '
00071           CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00072       ENDIF
00073 C
00074 C*    1. Degres to radians conversion factor
00075 C        -----------------------------------
00076 C
00077       zconv = 1.74532925199432957692e-2
00078 C
00079 C
00080 C*    2. Surfaces 
00081 C        --------
00082 C
00083       DO 210 j2 = 1, kngy
00084         DO 220 j1 = 1, kngx
00085 C
00086 C* Left or right periodicity
00087 C
00088           IF (J1 .EQ. 1) THEN
00089               zx1 = px(kngx,j2) - 360.
00090               zx2 = px(2,j2)
00091             ELSE IF (j1 .EQ. kngx)  THEN
00092               zx1 = px(kngx-1,j2)
00093               zx2 = px(1,j2) + 360.
00094             ELSE
00095               zx1 = px(j1-1,j2)
00096               zx2 = px(j1+1,j2)
00097           ENDIF
00098 C
00099 C* Bottom or top treatment
00100 C
00101           IF (j2 .EQ. 1) THEN
00102               zy1 = -90.
00103               zy2 = .5 * (py(j1,j2) + py(j1,j2+1))
00104             ELSE IF (j2 .EQ. kngy) THEN
00105               zy1 = .5 * (py(j1,j2) + py(j1,j2-1))
00106               zy2 = 90.
00107             ELSE 
00108               zy1 = .5 * (py(j1,j2) + py(j1,j2-1))
00109               zy2 = .5 * (py(j1,j2) + py(j1,j2+1))
00110           ENDIF
00111 C
00112 C* Conversion to radians
00113 C
00114           zfi1 = zx1 * zconv
00115           zfi2 = zx2 * zconv
00116           zth1 = zy1 * zconv
00117           zth2 = zy2 * zconv
00118 C
00119 C* Calculate grid square surface
00120 C   
00121           zfac = sin(zth2) - sin(zth1) 
00122           psgr(j1,j2) = abs(.5 * (zfi2-zfi1) * zfac)      
00123  220    continue
00124  210  CONTINUE
00125 C
00126       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00127           WRITE(nulou,*) '***** * Leaving ROUTINE pcssph ******* '
00128           CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00129       ENDIF
00130 C* End of routine
00131 C
00132       RETURN 
00133       END
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