Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001       SUBROUTINE reset
00002 C****
00003 C               *****************************
00004 C               * OASIS ROUTINE  -  LEVEL 1 *
00005 C               * -------------     ------- *
00006 C               *****************************
00007 C
00008 C**** *reset*  - Reinitialize field macro arrays
00009 C
00010 C     Purpose:
00011 C     -------
00012 C     Zero field macro array
00013 C
00014 C**   Interface:
00015 C     ---------
00016 C       *CALL*  *reset*
00017 C
00018 C     Input:
00019 C     -----
00020 C     None
00021 C
00022 C     Output:
00023 C     ------
00024 C     None
00025 C
00026 C     Workspace:
00027 C     ---------
00028 C     none
00029 C
00030 C     Externals:
00031 C     ---------
00032 C     None
00033 C
00034 C     Reference:
00035 C     ---------
00036 C     See OASIS manual (1995) 
00037 C
00038 C     History:
00039 C     -------
00040 C       Version   Programmer     Date      Description
00041 C       -------   ----------     ----      -----------  
00042 C       2.0       L. Terray      95/08/23  created 
00043 C       2.3       S. Valcke      99/04/30  added: printing levels
00044 C
00045 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00046 C
00047 C* --------------- Include files and USE of modules ---------------------------
00048 C
00049       USE mod_parameter
00050       USE mod_memory
00051       USE mod_unit
00052       USE mod_printing
00053 C
00054 C* ---------------------------- Poema verses ----------------------------
00055 C
00056 C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00057 C
00058 C*    1. Set up memory dynamic allocation
00059 C        --------------------------------
00060 C
00061       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00062           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)' '
00063           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)'       ROUTINE reset  -  Level 1'
00064           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)'       *************     *******'
00065           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)' '
00066           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)' reinitialize field macro arrays'
00067           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *)' '
00068           CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00069       ENDIF
00070 C
00071 C* Zero main storage area
00072 C
00073 C* - Real arrays: field macro array
00074 C
00075       CALL szero (fldold, ig_maxold)
00076       CALL szero (fldnew, ig_maxnew)
00077 C
00078 C
00079 C*    2. End of routine
00080 C        --------------
00081 C
00082       IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00083           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00084           WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 
00085      $    '          --------- End of ROUTINE reset ---------'
00086           CALL FLUSH (nulou)
00087       ENDIF
00088       RETURN
00089       END
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