Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 SUBROUTINE scriprmp_vector(              &
00002      dst_arrayI_dstA, dst_arrayJ_dstB,   &
00003      src_arrayI_srcA, src_arrayJ_srcB,   &
00004      grd_name_srcA,   grd_name_srcB,     &
00005      grd_name_dstA,   grd_name_dstB,     &
00006      src_size,        dst_size,          &     
00007      msk_srcA,        msk_srcB,          &
00008      msk_dstA,        msk_dstB,          &
00009      lon_srcA,        lat_srcA,          &
00010      lon_srcB,        lat_srcB,          &
00011      lon_dstA,        lat_dstA,          &
00012      lon_dstB,        lat_dstB,          &
00013      nlon_src,        nlat_src,          &
00014      nlon_dst,        nlat_dst,          &
00015      map_method,      cdgrdtyp,          &
00016      id_sper,         id_tper,           &
00017      cd_sper,         cd_tper,           &
00018      normalize_opt,   order,             &
00019      rst_type,        n_srch_bins,       &
00020      lextrapdone,     lprojcart,         &
00021      rl_varmul,       id_scripvoi        )
00023 !C   Input:
00024 !C   -----
00025 !C             src_arrayI_srcA : field on source grid defined as VECTOR_I
00026 !C             src_arrayJ_srcB : field on source grid defined as VECTOR_J
00027 !C             grd_name_srcA   : name for the source grid where VECTOR_I is defined
00028 !C             grd_name_srcB   : name for the source grid where VECTOR_J is defined
00029 !C             grd_name_dstA   : name for the target grid where VECTOR_I is defined
00030 !C             grd_name_dstB   : name for the target grid where VECTOR_J is defined
00031 !C             src_size        : source grid size 
00032 !C             dst_size        : target grid size 
00033 !C             msk_srcA        : grid mask for srcA 
00034 !C             msk_srcB        : grid mask for srcB
00035 !C             msk_dstA        : grid mask for dstA 
00036 !C             msk_dstB        : grid mask for dstB 
00037 !C             lon_srcA        : longitudes for grid srcA
00038 !C             lon_srcB        : longitudes for grid srcB
00039 !C             lon_dstA        : longitudes for grid dstA
00040 !C             lon_dstB        : longitudes for grid dstB
00041 !C             lat_srcA        : latitudes for grid srcA
00042 !C             lat_srcB        : latitudes for grid srcB
00043 !C             lat_dstA        : latitudes for grid dstA
00044 !C             lat_dstB        : latitudes for grid dstB
00045 !C             nlon_src        : number of longitudes for source grid
00046 !C             nlat_src        : number of latitudes for source grid
00047 !C             nlon_dst        : number of longitudes for target grid
00048 !C             nlat_dst        : number of latitudes for target grid
00049 !C             map_method      : remapping method
00050 !C             cdgrdtyp        : grid type for source grid
00051 !C             id_sper         : number of overlapping for source grid
00052 !C             id_tper         : number of overlapping for target grid
00053 !C             cd_sper         : source grid periodicity type
00054 !C             cd_tper         : target grid periodicity type
00055 !C             normalize_opt   : option for normalization
00056 !C             order           : order of conservative remapping
00057 !C             rst_type        : type of scrip search restriction
00058 !C             n_srch_bins     : number of seach bins 
00059 !C             lextrapdone     : logical, true if EXTRAP done on field
00060 !C             lprojcart       : logical, true for rotation to cartesian refernetial 
00061 !C             rl_varmul       : Gaussian variance (for GAUSWGT)
00062 !C             id_scripvoi     : number of neighbour for DISTWGT and GAUSWGT
00063 !C
00064 !C     Output:
00065 !C     ------
00066 !C             dst_arrayI_dstA : VECTOR_I field on target grid as defined in namcouple
00067 !C             dst_arrayJ_dstB : VECTOR_J field on target grid as defined in namcouple
00068 !C
00069 !C     Externals:
00070 !C     ---------
00071 !C     corners, scrip, gradient, gradient_bicubic, 
00072 !C     from module rotations : loc2spher, sher2car, car2spher, spher2loc
00073 !C     from module vector    : remap_vector_comps, write_src_array_spheric, 
00074 !C                             write_dst_array_spheric, write_cartesian_components,
00075 !C                             check_points_at_poles
00076 !C 
00077 !C     History:
00078 !C     --------
00079 !C     E. Rapaport     2004/03     Created
00080 !C     J. Ghattas      2006/02     Rewritten
00081 !
00082 !
00083 ! Description :
00084 ! -------------
00085 ! This routine interpolates a vector field, described as 2 scalar components I and J.
00086 ! The 2 components are described on different source grids and the resulting 2 
00087 ! components can be calculated on 2 differents target grids. The source grids 
00088 ! are named grd_srcA which is the original grid for the component I, and grd_srcB
00089 ! which is the original grid for component J. The target grid defined for the component
00090 ! I are dstA and for for the component J dstB. The two source grids have to be identical 
00091 ! in number of cells and their mask must be the same; for different target grids the same 
00092 ! criteria are imposed.
00093 !
00094 ! Steps:
00095 ! ------
00096 ! -> If the source grid differs a first interpolation will be done from grd_srcB 
00097 !    towards grd_srcA scalarly for the 2 components 
00098 ! -> Rotation towards spherical referentials on source grid srcA 
00099 ! -> If desired rotation towards cartesian referentials 
00100 ! -> Interpolation of the components scalarly from srcA towards target grid dstA 
00101 ! -> Rotation towards local referentials. 
00102 ! -> If target grids differ, the same procedure will be done from grd_srcA towards grd_dstB.
00103 !
00104 !C %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00105 !C* ---------------------------- Modules used ----------------------------
00106   USE grids
00107   USE rotations
00108   USE remap_vars
00109   USE vector
00110 !
00111 !* ---------------------------- Implicit --------------------------------
00112 !
00114 !
00115 !* ---------------------------- Include files ---------------------------
00116 !
00117 !* ---------------------------- Intent In -------------------------------
00118 !
00119   INTEGER(KIND=int_kind), INTENT(in) :: 
00120        nlon_src, nlat_src,  ! number of longitudes and latitudes on source grid
00121        nlon_dst, nlat_dst,  ! number of longitudes and latitudes on target grid
00122        src_size, dst_size,  ! number of source/target grid cells
00123        n_srch_bins,         ! number of search bins for SCRIP
00124        msk_srcA(src_size),  ! grid mask for srcA
00125        msk_srcB(src_size),  ! grid mask for srcB
00126        msk_dstA(dst_size),  ! grid mask for dstA
00127        msk_dstB(dst_size),  ! grid mask for dstB
00128        id_sper,             ! number of overlapping points for source grid
00129        id_tper,             ! number of overlapping points for target grid
00130        id_scripvoi           ! number of neighbour for DISTWGT and GAUSWGT
00132   REAL (KIND=real_kind), INTENT(in) :: 
00133        src_arrayI_srcA(src_size), ! field component I on original source grid srcA
00134        src_arrayJ_srcB(src_size), ! field component J on original source grid srcB 
00135        lon_srcA(src_size), lat_srcA(src_size),  ! lon-/latitudes for source grid srcA
00136        lon_srcB(src_size), lat_srcB(src_size),  ! lon-/latitudes for source grid srcB
00137        lon_dstA(dst_size), lat_dstA(dst_size),  ! lon-/latitudes for target grid dstA
00138        lon_dstB(dst_size), lat_dstB(dst_size),  ! lon-/latitudes for target grid dstB
00139        rl_varmul                                 ! Gaussian variance (for GAUSWGT)
00141   CHARACTER(LEN=8), INTENT(in) :: 
00142        grd_name_srcA, grd_name_srcB,     ! grid name for the 2 sources grids
00143        grd_name_dstA, grd_name_dstB,     ! grid name for the 2 target grids
00144        map_method,                       ! remapping method
00145        cdgrdtyp,                         ! source grid type
00146        normalize_opt,                    ! option for normalization
00147        order,                            ! order of conservative remapping
00148        rst_type,                         ! type of scrip search restriction
00149        cd_sper,                          ! source grid periodicity type
00150        cd_tper                            ! target grid periodicity type
00152   LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: 
00153        lextrapdone,         ! logical, true if EXTRAP done on field
00154        lprojcart             ! logical, ture if projection to cartesian should be done
00156 !
00157 !* ---------------------------- Intent Out -------------------------------
00158 !
00159   REAL (KIND=real_kind), INTENT(out):: 
00160        dst_arrayI_dstA(dst_size),   ! VECTOR_I field on target grid dstA
00161        dst_arrayJ_dstB(dst_size)     ! VECTOR_J field on target grid dstB
00163 !
00164 !* ---------------------------- Local declarations ----------------------
00165 !
00166   INTEGER(KIND=int_kind) :: nbr_dst, nbr_comp, ii, jj, icount, kcount, stat, 
00167                             nc_gridsid, angid, nc_fileid, var_id
00168   INTEGER(KIND=int_kind) :: ilenstr
00169   INTEGER (KIND=int_kind), DIMENSION(dst_size)   :: msk_dst
00170   REAL (KIND=real_kind), DIMENSION(src_size)     :: src_arrayJ_srcA
00171   REAL (KIND=real_kind), DIMENSION(src_size,3)   :: src_array, src_array_buf 
00172   REAL (KIND=real_kind), DIMENSION(dst_size)     :: lon_dst, lat_dst
00173   REAL (KIND=real_kind), DIMENSION(src_size,2,2) :: mat_loc2sph
00174   REAL (KIND=real_kind), DIMENSION(src_size,3,2) :: mat_sph2car
00175   REAL (KIND=real_kind), DIMENSION(dst_size,3,3) :: mat_car2sph
00176   REAL (KIND=real_kind), DIMENSION(dst_size,2,2) :: mat_sph2loc
00177   REAL (KIND=real_kind), DIMENSION(dst_size,3)   :: dst_array, dst_array_buf
00179   CHARACTER(LEN=8)     :: grd_name_dst
00180   CHARACTER (char_len) :: cmapping, crmpfile  
00181   CHARACTER(LEN=12)    :: ang_name 
00182 #if defined use_oasis_para || defined use_oasis_cmcc_para
00183   CHARACTER*3 :: cl_indexoa
00184 #endif
00186   LOGICAL :: ll_loc2spher_srcA, ll_spher2loc_dst  
00188 !
00189 !* ---------------------------- Poema verses ----------------------------
00190 ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00191 !
00192 !*** O. Initialization
00193 !       --------------
00194 !       --------------
00195   IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00196      WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00197      WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00198           '    Entering ROUTINE scriprmp_vector  -  Level 3'
00199      WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00200           '           ***********************     *******'
00201      WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00202      WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) 'SCRIP remapping for vector'
00203      WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00204      call flush(nulou)
00205   ENDIF
00207 !
00208 !*** 1. Interpolation towards the same source grid
00209 !       ------------------------------------------
00210 !       ------------------------------------------
00211 !
00212 !* If the source grids of the two vector components are different  
00213 !* -> interpolation of field J on grd_srcB towards the same grid as for 
00214 !* the field I grd_srcA.
00215 ! 
00216 ! 
00217 !* After this step the two components are on the same source grid:
00218 !* -> src_arrayI_srcA, src_arrayJ_srcA
00219 !
00221   IF (grd_name_srcA .NE. grd_name_srcB) THEN
00222      ! Interpolate the field src_arrayJ_srcB from grid srcB towards
00223      ! grid srcA. Resulting field on srcA is src_arrayJ_srcA
00224      CALL scriprmp( &
00225           src_arrayJ_srcA,src_arrayJ_srcB, src_size, src_size, &
00226           msk_srcB, msk_srcA, &
00227           lon_srcB, lat_srcB, nlon_src, nlat_src, &
00228           lon_srcA, lat_srcA, nlon_src, nlat_src, &
00229           map_method, cdgrdtyp, &
00230           id_sper, id_sper, cd_sper, cd_sper, &
00231           grd_name_srcB, grd_name_srcA, & 
00232           normalize_opt, order, rst_type, n_srch_bins, &
00233           lextrapdone, rl_varmul, id_scripvoi)
00234   ELSE
00235      ! grid srcA equal grid srcB, no interpolation necessary
00236      src_arrayJ_srcA = src_arrayJ_srcB
00237   ENDIF
00239 ! 
00240 !*** 2. Check if the target grids are different
00241 !       If different the interpolation will be done twice
00242 !       -------------------------------------------------
00243 !       -------------------------------------------------
00245   IF (grd_name_dstA .EQ. grd_name_dstB) THEN
00246      nbr_dst=1
00247   ELSE
00248      nbr_dst=2
00249   ENDIF
00252   DO ii=1, nbr_dst
00254      IF (ii == 1) THEN
00255         grd_name_dst = grd_name_dstA
00256         lon_dst(:)   = lon_dstA(:)
00257         lat_dst(:)   = lat_dstA(:)
00258         msk_dst(:)   = msk_dstA(:)
00259      ELSE
00260         grd_name_dst = grd_name_dstB
00261         lon_dst(:)   = lon_dstB(:)
00262         lat_dst(:)   = lat_dstB(:)
00263         msk_dst(:)   = msk_dstB(:)
00264      ENDIF
00266      IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00267         WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ''
00268         WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00269              ' Now making interpolation towards target grid : ', grd_name_dst
00270         CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00271      ENDIF
00273 !
00274 !*** 3. Calculate and/or read weights, remapping and rotation matrix
00275 !       ------------------------------------------------------------
00276 !       ------------------------------------------------------------
00277 !
00278 !* -- Get the name of the file containing the remapping matrix.
00279 ! 
00280 #if defined use_oasis_para || defined use_oasis_cmcc_para
00281       IF (ig_indexoa .le. 9) THEN
00282           WRITE(cl_indexoa,FMT='(I1)') ig_indexoa
00283       ELSE IF (ig_indexoa .le. 99) THEN
00284           WRITE(cl_indexoa,FMT='(I2)') ig_indexoa
00285       ELSE IF (ig_indexoa .le. 999) THEN
00286           WRITE(cl_indexoa,FMT='(I3)') ig_indexoa
00287       ENDIF
00288 #endif
00289 ! 
00290      icount = ilenstr(grd_name_srcA,jpeight)
00291      kcount = ilenstr(grd_name_dst, jpeight)
00293      SELECT CASE (map_method)
00294      CASE ('CONSERV')          ! conservative remapping
00295         cmapping = &
00296              grd_name_srcA(1:icount)//' to '//grd_name_dst(1:kcount)//' '&
00297              //map_method//' '//normalize_opt(1:4)//' remapping'
00298 #if defined use_oasis_para || defined use_oasis_cmcc_para
00299         IF (ig_indexoa .LE. 9) THEN       
00300             crmpfile = &
00301                'rmp_'//grd_name_srcA(1:icount)//'_to_'//grd_name_dst(1:kcount)&
00302                //'_'//map_method(1:7)//'_'//normalize_opt(1:4)// &
00303                '_'//cl_indexoa(1:1)//'.nc'
00304         ELSE IF (ig_indexoa .LE. 99) THEN 
00305             crmpfile = &
00306                'rmp_'//grd_name_srcA(1:icount)//'_to_'//grd_name_dst(1:kcount)&
00307                //'_'//map_method(1:7)//'_'//normalize_opt(1:4)// &
00308                '_'//cl_indexoa(1:2)//'.nc'
00309         ELSE IF (ig_indexoa .LE. 999) THEN
00310              crmpfile = &
00311                'rmp_'//grd_name_srcA(1:icount)//'_to_'//grd_name_dst(1:kcount)&
00312                //'_'//map_method(1:7)//'_'//normalize_opt(1:4)// &
00313                '_'//cl_indexoa(1:3)//'.nc'
00314          ENDIF
00315 #else
00316          crmpfile = &
00317             'rmp_'//grd_name_srcA(1:icount)//'_to_'//grd_name_dst(1:kcount)&
00318             //'_'//map_method(1:7)//'_'//normalize_opt(1:4)//'.nc' 
00319 #endif
00320          !       
00321      CASE DEFAULT
00322         cmapping = &
00323           grd_name_srcA(1:icount)//' to '//grd_name_dst(1:kcount)//' '&
00324           //map_method//' remapping'
00325 #if defined use_oasis_para || defined use_oasis_cmcc_para
00326       IF (ig_indexoa .LE. 9) THEN     
00327           crmpfile = &
00328              'rmp_'//grd_name_srcA(1:icount)//'_to_'//grd_name_dst(1:kcount)&
00329              //'_'//map_method(1:7)//'_'//cl_indexoa(1:1)//'.nc'
00330       ELSE IF (ig_indexoa .le. 99) THEN
00331           crmpfile = &
00332              'rmp_'//grd_name_srcA(1:icount)//'_to_'//grd_name_dst(1:kcount)&
00333              //'_'//map_method(1:7)//'_'//cl_indexoa(1:2)//'.nc'
00334       ELSE IF (ig_indexoa .le. 999) THEN
00335           crmpfile = &
00336              'rmp_'//grd_name_srcA(1:icount)//'_to_'//grd_name_dst(1:kcount)&
00337              //'_'//map_method(1:7)//'_'//cl_indexoa(1:3)//'.nc'
00338       ENDIF
00339 #else
00340       crmpfile = &
00341          'rmp_'//grd_name_srcA(1:icount)//'_to_'//grd_name_dst(1:kcount)&
00342          //'_'//map_method(1:7)//'.nc'  
00343 #endif
00344      END SELECT
00346      IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00347         WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00348              ' SCRIP filename : ', crmpfile
00349         CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00350      ENDIF
00352 !
00353 !*** 3.1 Create and/or open the file with remapping matrix
00354 !        -------------------------------------------------
00355 !              
00356      stat = NF_OPEN(crmpfile, NF_WRITE, nc_fileid) 
00357      IF (stat .NE. NF_NOERR) THEN 
00358 !
00359 !* -- The file does not exist. The remapping matrix has to be created
00360 !     for remapping from source grd_name_srcA to target grd_name_dst
00361 !
00362         CALL calc_remap_matrix( &
00363              msk_srcA(:),  msk_dst(:), &
00364              src_size,     dst_size, &
00365              lon_srcA(:),  lat_srcA(:),  lon_dst(:),  lat_dst(:), &
00366              nlon_src, nlat_src, nlon_dst, nlat_dst, &
00367              grd_name_srcA, grd_name_dst, &
00368              map_method,   normalize_opt, cdgrdtyp, &
00369              id_sper,      cd_sper,      &
00370              id_tper,      cd_tper,      &
00371              rst_type,                   &
00372              n_srch_bins,  crmpfile,     &
00373              cmapping,     lextrapdone,  &
00374              rl_varmul,    id_scripvoi   )
00376         stat = NF_OPEN(crmpfile, NF_WRITE, nc_fileid) 
00378      ELSE
00380 !* -- The file with remapping matrix existe already
00381 !
00382         IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00383            WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00384                 'SCRIP file exists with remapping matrix src to dst grid'
00385            WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00386            CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00387         ENDIF
00389      END IF !IF (stat .NE. NF_NOERR)
00392 !*** 3.2. If necessary calculate matrix for rotation on srcA grid local to sperical
00393 !         --------------------------------------------------------------------------
00394 !
00395 !* Get angles from file grids.nc. 
00396 !  If they exist a rotation from local to spherical referntial will be done, 
00397 !  if no angles the grid is considered as a spheric referential 
00398 !
00399      CALL hdlerr(NF_OPEN &
00400           ('grids.nc',NF_NOWRITE, nc_gridsid), 'scriprmp_vector')
00401      ang_name = grd_name_srcA(1:icount)//'.ang'
00402      stat = NF_INQ_VARID(nc_gridsid, ang_name, var_id)
00404      CALL hdlerr(NF_CLOSE(nc_gridsid), 'scriprmp_vector')   
00406      IF(stat == NF_NOERR) THEN
00407         ll_loc2spher_srcA = .true.
00408 !
00409 !* Rotaion from local to spherical referential on grd_srcA is needed
00410 !* Check if the rotation matrix Mat_src_loc2spher exists in the remapping file
00411 !
00412         stat = NF_INQ_VARID(nc_fileid, 'Mat_src_loc2sph', var_id)
00414         IF (stat == NF_NOERR) THEN
00415            !* Read the matrix already existing
00416            IF (ll_single) THEN
00417               CALL hdlerr(NF_GET_VAR_REAL &
00418                 (nc_fileid, var_id, mat_loc2sph(:,:,:)), 'scriprmp_vector')
00419            ELSE
00420               CALL hdlerr(NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE &
00421                    (nc_fileid, var_id, mat_loc2sph(:,:,:)), 'scriprmp_vector')
00422            ENDIF
00423         ELSE
00424            !* The matrix has to be calculated and written to the file
00425            !* CALL loc2spher() writes the matrix to netcdf file nc_fileid 
00426            !  and returns the matrix mat_loc2sph
00427            CALL loc2spher(grd_name_srcA, src_size, mat_loc2sph(:,:,:), nc_fileid)
00428         ENDIF
00430      ELSE ! The angles does not exist in grids.nc
00431         ll_loc2spher_srcA = .false.
00432         WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00433              '    WARNING'
00434         WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00435              '***************'
00436         WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00437              'file grids.nc contains no angle information'
00438         WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00439              'source grid '// grd_name_srcA// &
00440              ' will be considered as a spheric referential'
00441         CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00442      END IF
00443 !
00444 !*** 3.3 Calculate matrix for projection to cartesian if demanded by user option PROJCART
00445 ! 
00446 !      ->  calculate matrix from spherical to cartesian referntials on source grid srcA
00447 !      ->  calculate matrix from cartesian to spherical referntials on target grid dst
00448 !
00449      IF ( lprojcart ) THEN
00451         !* On source grid
00453         stat = NF_INQ_VARID(nc_fileid, 'Mat_src_sph2car', var_id)
00454         IF (stat == NF_NOERR) THEN
00455            !* Read the matrix already existing
00456            IF (ll_single) THEN
00457               CALL hdlerr(NF_GET_VAR_REAL &
00458                    (nc_fileid, var_id, mat_sph2car(:,:,:)), 'scriprmp_vector')
00459            ELSE
00460               CALL hdlerr(NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE &
00461                    (nc_fileid, var_id, mat_sph2car(:,:,:)), 'scriprmp_vector')
00462            ENDIF
00463         ELSE
00464            !* Calculate the matrix mat_sph2car and write to file nc_fileid 
00465            !
00466            CALL spher2car(lon_srcA(:), lat_srcA(:), src_size, mat_sph2car(:,:,:), nc_fileid)
00468         ENDIF
00470         !* On target grid
00472         stat = NF_INQ_VARID(nc_fileid, 'Mat_dst_car2sph', var_id)
00473         IF (stat == NF_NOERR) THEN
00474            !* Read the matrix already existing
00475            IF (ll_single) THEN
00476               CALL hdlerr(NF_GET_VAR_REAL &
00477                    (nc_fileid, var_id, mat_car2sph(:,:,:)), 'scriprmp_vector')
00478            ELSE
00479               CALL hdlerr(NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE &
00480                    (nc_fileid, var_id, mat_car2sph(:,:,:)), 'scriprmp_vector')
00481            ENDIF
00482         ELSE
00483            !* Calculate the matrix mat_car2sph and write to file nc_fileid 
00484            !
00485            CALL car2spher(lon_dst(:), lat_dst(:), dst_size, mat_car2sph(:,:,:), nc_fileid)
00487         ENDIF
00489      ENDIF !IF ( lprojcart )
00491 !
00492 !*** 3.4 If necessary calculate matrix for rotation on target grid sperical to local
00493 !        ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00494 !
00495 !* Get angles from file grids.nc. 
00496 !  If they exist a rotation from spherical to local referntial will be done, 
00497 !  if no angles the grid is considered as a spheric referential 
00498 !
00499      CALL hdlerr(NF_OPEN &
00500           ('grids.nc',NF_NOWRITE, nc_gridsid), 'scriprmp_vector')
00501      ang_name = grd_name_dst(1:kcount)//'.ang'
00502      stat = NF_INQ_VARID(nc_gridsid, ang_name, angid)
00504      CALL hdlerr(NF_CLOSE(nc_gridsid), 'scriprmp_vector')   
00506      IF (stat == NF_NOERR) THEN
00507         ll_spher2loc_dst = .true.
00508 !
00509 !* Rotaion from spherical to local referential on grd_dst is needed
00510 !  Check if the rotation matrix Mat_dst_sph2loc exists in the remapping file
00511 !
00512         stat = NF_INQ_VARID(nc_fileid, 'Mat_dst_sph2loc', var_id)
00514         IF (stat == NF_NOERR) THEN
00515            !* Read the matrix already existing
00516            IF (ll_single) THEN
00517               CALL hdlerr(NF_GET_VAR_REAL &
00518                    (nc_fileid, var_id, mat_sph2loc(:,:,:)), 'scriprmp_vector')
00519            ELSE
00520               CALL hdlerr(NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE &
00521                    (nc_fileid, var_id, mat_sph2loc(:,:,:)), 'scriprmp_vector')
00522            ENDIF
00523         ELSE
00524            !* The matrix has to be calculated and written to the file
00525            !* CALL spher2loc() writes the matrix to netcdf file nc_fileid 
00526            !  and returns the matrix mat_sph2loc
00527            CALL spher2loc(grd_name_dst, dst_size, mat_sph2loc(:,:,:), nc_fileid)
00529         ENDIF
00531      ELSE ! The angles does not exist in grids.nc
00532         ll_spher2loc_dst = .false.
00533         WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00534              '    WARNING'
00535         WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00536              '***************'
00537         WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00538              'file grids.nc contains no angle information'
00539         WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00540              'target grid '// grd_name_dst// &
00541              ' will be considered as a spheric referential'
00542         CALL FLUSH(nulou)
00544      END IF ! IF (stat == NF_NOERR)
00546 !
00547 !* End of calculation of weight and transformation matrix
00548 !* All matrix do now exist
00549 !
00551 !
00552 !*** 4. Rotation and interpolation of the two components on grd_srcA towards 
00553 !       the target grid grd_dst
00554 !       -------------------------------------------------------------------
00555 !       -------------------------------------------------------------------
00556 !
00557 !* save the both source components in src_array(:,:)  
00558      src_array(:,1) = src_arrayI_srcA(:)
00559      src_array(:,2) = src_arrayJ_srcA(:)
00560      src_array(:,3) = 0
00561      nbr_comp=2   
00562 !
00563 !*** 4.1 Rotate the the vector field components on srcA to spherical referential 
00564 !    
00565      IF ( ll_loc2spher_srcA ) THEN
00567         src_array(:,1) = mat_loc2sph(:,1,1) * src_arrayI_srcA(:) +  &
00568                          mat_loc2sph(:,1,2) * src_arrayJ_srcA(:)
00570         src_array(:,2) = mat_loc2sph(:,2,1) * src_arrayI_srcA(:) +  &
00571                          mat_loc2sph(:,2,2) * src_arrayJ_srcA(:)
00573      ENDIF
00574 #ifdef __DEBUG     
00575      ! The components in spherical referential are saved to vector_debugXXXXXX.nc file. 
00576      CALL write_src_array_spheric(src_array(:,1:2), src_size, nlon_src, nlat_src, &
00577           grd_name_srcA, grd_name_dst)
00578 #endif
00580 !     
00581 !*** 4.2 If PROJCART, rotate the the vector field components to cartesian referential 
00582 !    
00583      IF (lprojcart) THEN
00585         nbr_comp=3
00587         src_array_buf(:,1) = &
00588              mat_sph2car(:,1,1) * src_array(:,1) + &  
00589              mat_sph2car(:,1,2) * src_array(:,2)
00591         src_array_buf(:,2) = &
00592              mat_sph2car(:,2,1) * src_array(:,1) + &  
00593              mat_sph2car(:,2,2) * src_array(:,2)
00595         src_array_buf(:,3) = &
00596              mat_sph2car(:,3,1) * src_array(:,1) + &  
00597              mat_sph2car(:,3,2) * src_array(:,2)
00599         src_array(:,1)= src_array_buf(:,1)
00600         src_array(:,2)= src_array_buf(:,2)
00601         src_array(:,3)= src_array_buf(:,3)
00603      ENDIF
00604 !
00605 !*** 4.3 Interpolate scalar the 2 or 3 compontents src_array(:,:)
00606 !        from the source grd_srcA to target grd_dst, result in dst_array(:,:)
00607 !        --------------------------------------------------------------------
00609      CALL remap_vector_comps (dst_array(:,1:nbr_comp), src_array(:,1:nbr_comp), &
00610           nbr_comp, nc_fileid, &
00611           map_method, cdgrdtyp, order, &
00612           msk_srcA(:), &
00613           id_sper, cd_sper, &
00614           nlon_src, nlat_src, lon_srcA(:), lat_srcA(:), src_size, dst_size)
00616 !  
00617 !** Close remapping file
00618 !
00619      CALL hdlerr(NF_CLOSE(nc_fileid), 'scriprmp')
00621 !
00622 !*** 4.4 If PROJCART, rotate dst_array from cartesian to spherical referential
00623 !        ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00625      IF (lprojcart) THEN
00627 #ifdef __DEBUG     
00628         ! The components in cartesian referential are saved to vector_debugXXXXXX.nc file
00629         CALL write_cartesian_components(src_array(:,1:3), dst_array(:,1:3), src_size, &
00630              dst_size, nlon_src, nlat_src, nlon_dst, nlat_dst, grd_name_srcA, &
00631              grd_name_dst)
00632 #endif
00634         dst_array_buf(:,1) = &
00635              mat_car2sph(:,1,1) * dst_array(:,1) + &
00636              mat_car2sph(:,1,2) * dst_array(:,2) + &
00637              mat_car2sph(:,1,3) * dst_array(:,3)
00639         dst_array_buf(:,2) = &
00640              mat_car2sph(:,2,1) * dst_array(:,1) + &
00641              mat_car2sph(:,2,2) * dst_array(:,2) + &
00642              mat_car2sph(:,2,3) * dst_array(:,3)
00644         dst_array_buf(:,3) = &
00645              mat_car2sph(:,3,1) * dst_array(:,1) + &
00646              mat_car2sph(:,3,2) * dst_array(:,2) + &
00647              mat_car2sph(:,3,3) * dst_array(:,3)
00649         dst_array(:,1) = dst_array_buf(:,1)
00650         dst_array(:,2) = dst_array_buf(:,2)
00651         dst_array(:,3) = dst_array_buf(:,3)
00653      ENDIF
00655 !
00656 !*** 4.5 If the target grid is not in a spherical referential
00657 !        then rotate the spherical components towords locals 
00658 !        ----------------------------------------------------
00660      IF (ll_spher2loc_dst) THEN
00662 #ifdef __DEBUG     
00663         ! The components in spherical referential are saved to vector_debugXXXXXX.nc file
00664         ! The field K dst_array(:,3) should be close to zero
00665         CALL write_dst_array_spheric(dst_array(:,1:2), dst_size, nlon_dst, nlat_dst, &
00666              grd_name_srcA, grd_name_dst)
00667 #endif
00669         dst_array_buf(:,1) = &
00670              mat_sph2loc(:,1,1) * dst_array(:,1) + &
00671              mat_sph2loc(:,1,2) * dst_array(:,2)
00673         dst_array_buf(:,2) = &
00674              mat_sph2loc(:,2,1) * dst_array(:,1) + &
00675              mat_sph2loc(:,2,2) * dst_array(:,2)
00677         dst_array(:,1) = dst_array_buf(:,1)
00678         dst_array(:,2) = dst_array_buf(:,2)
00680      ENDIF
00682 !* The dst_array is now the I and J components in the local referential 
00683 !* on target grid grd_dst 
00684 !
00687 !
00688 !*** 5. Save the the components that correspond to VECTOR_I and VECTOR_J grid 
00689 !       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00690 !       ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00692      IF (ii == 1 .AND. nbr_dst == 1) THEN
00693         ! There is only one target grid. Save both components calculated above.
00694         dst_arrayI_dstA(:) = dst_array(:,1)
00695         dst_arrayJ_dstB(:) = dst_array(:,2) 
00696      ELSEIF (ii == 1) THEN
00697         ! There are 2 target grid and the one just calculated is the grid for VECTOR_I
00698         dst_arrayI_dstA(:) = dst_array(:,1)
00699      ELSE
00700         ! There are 2 target grids and the one just calculated is the grid for VECTOR_J
00701         dst_arrayJ_dstB(:) = dst_array(:,2)
00702      ENDIF
00704      IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00705          write(nulou,*)' src_size = ',src_size,'dst_size = ',dst_size
00706          write(nulou,*)' Now finish interpolation towards target grid : ', grd_name_dst
00707          call flush(nulou)
00708      ENDIF
00710   END DO
00712 !
00713 !*** 6. Test if there are points on the latitudes 90deg north and 90deg south.
00714 !       If there are points on these latitudes, the averege for these points 
00715 !       are calculated and distributed.
00716 !       -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00717 !       -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00719   CALL check_points_at_poles (dst_arrayI_dstA(:), dst_arrayJ_dstB(:), lat_dstA(:), &
00720        lat_dstB(:), grd_name_dstA, grd_name_dstB, dst_size)
00722 !
00723 !*  End of routine 
00724 !  
00725   IF (nlogprt .GE. 2) THEN
00726      WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) ' '
00727      WRITE (UNIT = nulou,FMT = *) &
00728           '          --------- End of routine scriprmp_vector ---------'
00729      CALL FLUSH (nulou)
00730   ENDIF
00732 END SUBROUTINE scriprmp_vector
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