Oasis3 4.0.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 MODULE stringop_psmile
00003   USE mod_kinds_model
00004 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 !-
00006   INTEGER(kind=ip_intwp_p), DIMENSION(30) :: 
00007         prime=(/1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43, &
00008         47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109/)
00009 !-
00010 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00012 !=
00013    SUBROUTINE cmpblank (str)
00014      USE mod_kinds_model
00015 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00016 !-
00017 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00018    CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(inout) :: str
00019 !-
00020    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: lcc,ipb
00021 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00022    lcc = LEN_TRIM(str)
00023    ipb = 1
00024    DO
00025      IF (ipb >= lcc)   EXIT
00026      IF (str(ipb:ipb+1) == '  ') THEN
00027        str(ipb+1:) = str(ipb+2:lcc)
00028        lcc = lcc-1
00029      ELSE
00030        ipb = ipb+1
00031      ENDIF
00032    ENDDO
00033 !-------------------------
00034    END SUBROUTINE cmpblank
00035 !=
00036    FUNCTION cntpos (c_c,l_c,c_r,l_r)
00037 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00038 !- Finds number of occurences of c_r in c_c
00039 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00040    USE mod_kinds_model
00042 !-
00043    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: cntpos
00045    CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(in) :: c_c
00046    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),INTENT(IN) :: l_c
00047    CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(in) :: c_r
00048    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),INTENT(IN) :: l_r
00049 !-
00050    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: ipos,indx,ires
00051 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00052    cntpos = 0
00053    ipos   = 1
00054    DO
00055      indx = INDEX(c_c(ipos:l_c),c_r(1:l_r))
00056      IF (indx > 0) THEN
00057        cntpos = cntpos+1
00058        ipos   = ipos+indx+l_r-1
00059      ELSE
00060        EXIT
00061      ENDIF
00062    ENDDO
00063 !---------------------
00064    END FUNCTION cntpos
00065 !=
00066    FUNCTION findpos (c_c,l_c,c_r,l_r)
00067 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00068 !- Finds position of c_r in c_c
00069 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00070    USE mod_kinds_model
00072 !-
00073    INTEGER  (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: findpos
00074    CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(in) :: c_c
00075    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),INTENT(IN) :: l_c
00076    CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(in) :: c_r
00077    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),INTENT(IN) :: l_r
00078 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00079     findpos = INDEX(c_c(1:l_c),c_r(1:l_r))
00080     IF (findpos == 0)   findpos=-1
00081 !----------------------
00082    END FUNCTION findpos
00083 !=
00084    SUBROUTINE find_str (nb_str,str_tab,str_len_tab,str,pos)
00085 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00086 !- This subroutine looks for a string in a table
00087 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00088 !- INPUT
00089 !-   nb_str      : length of table
00090 !-   str_tab     : Table  of strings
00091 !-   str_len_tab : Table  of string-length
00092 !-   str         : Target we are looking for
00093 !- OUTPUT
00094 !-   pos         : -1 if str not found, else value in the table
00095 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00096    USE mod_kinds_model
00098 !-
00099    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: nb_str
00100    CHARACTER(LEN=*),DIMENSION(nb_str) :: str_tab
00101    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p),DIMENSION(nb_str) :: str_len_tab
00102    CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str
00103    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: pos
00104 !-
00105    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: i,il
00106 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00107    pos = -1
00108    il = LEN_TRIM(str)
00109    IF ( nb_str > 0 ) THEN
00110       DO i=1,nb_str
00111          IF (     (INDEX(str_tab(i),str(1:il)) > 0) &
00112               .AND.(str_len_tab(i) == il) ) THEN
00113             pos = i
00114             EXIT
00115          ENDIF
00116       ENDDO
00117    ENDIF
00118 !-------------------------
00119    END SUBROUTINE find_str
00120 !=
00121    SUBROUTINE nocomma (str)
00122 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00123 !-
00124 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00125    USE mod_kinds_model
00127 !-
00128    CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str
00129 !-
00130    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: i
00131 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00132    DO i=1,LEN_TRIM(str)
00133      IF (str(i:i) == ',')   str(i:i) = ' '
00134    ENDDO
00135 !------------------------
00136    END SUBROUTINE nocomma
00137 !=
00138    SUBROUTINE strlowercase (str)
00139 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00140 !- Converts a string into lowercase
00141 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00142    USE mod_kinds_model  
00144 !-
00145    CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str
00146 !-
00147    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: i,ic
00148 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00149    DO i=1,LEN_TRIM(str)
00150      ic = IACHAR(str(i:i))
00151      IF ( (ic >= 65) .AND. (ic <= 90) )   str(i:i) = ACHAR(ic+32)
00152    ENDDO
00153 !-----------------------------
00154    END SUBROUTINE strlowercase
00155 !=
00156    SUBROUTINE struppercase (str)
00157 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00158 !- Converts a string into uppercase
00159 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00160    USE mod_kinds_model
00162 !-
00163    CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str
00164 !-
00165    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: i,ic
00166 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00167    DO i=1,LEN_TRIM(str)
00168      ic = IACHAR(str(i:i))
00169      IF ( (ic >= 97) .AND. (ic <= 122) )   str(i:i) = ACHAR(ic-32)
00170    ENDDO
00171 !-----------------------------
00172    END SUBROUTINE struppercase
00173 !=
00174 !------------------
00175    SUBROUTINE gensig (str, sig)
00176 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00177 !- Generate a signature from the first 30 characters of the string
00178 !- This signature is not unique and thus when one looks for the
00179 !- one needs to also verify the string.
00180 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00181    USE mod_kinds_model
00183 !-
00184    CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str
00185    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p)          :: sig
00186 !-
00187    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: i
00188 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00189    sig = 0
00190    DO i=1,MIN(len_trim(str),30)
00191       sig = sig  + prime(i)*IACHAR(str(i:i))
00192    ENDDO
00193 !-----------------------------
00194  END SUBROUTINE gensig
00195 !=
00196 !------------------
00197    SUBROUTINE find_sig (nb_sig, str_tab, str, sig_tab, sig, pos)
00198 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00199 !- Find the string signature in a list of signatures
00200 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00201 !- INPUT
00202 !-   nb_sig      : length of table of signatures
00203 !-   str_tab     : Table of strings
00204 !-   str         : Target string we are looking for 
00205 !-   sig_tab     : Table of signatures
00206 !-   sig         : Target signature we are looking for
00207 !- OUTPUT
00208 !-   pos         : -1 if str not found, else value in the table
00209 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00210    USE mod_kinds_model
00212 !-
00213    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: nb_sig
00214    CHARACTER(LEN=*),DIMENSION(nb_sig) :: str_tab
00215    CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: str
00216    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p), DIMENSION(nb_sig) :: sig_tab
00217    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: sig
00218 !-
00219    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: pos
00220    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p), DIMENSION(nb_sig) :: loczeros
00221 !-
00222    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) :: il, len
00223    INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p), DIMENSION(1) :: minpos
00224 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
00225 !-
00226    pos = -1
00227    il = LEN_TRIM(str)
00228 !-
00229    IF ( nb_sig > 0 ) THEN
00230       !
00231       loczeros = ABS(sig_tab(1:nb_sig)-sig)
00232       !
00233       IF ( COUNT(loczeros < 1) == 1 ) THEN
00234          !
00235          minpos = MINLOC(loczeros)
00236          len = LEN_TRIM(str_tab(minpos(1)))
00237          IF ( (INDEX(str_tab(minpos(1)),str(1:il)) > 0) &
00238                  .AND.(len == il) ) THEN
00239             pos = minpos(1)
00240          ENDIF
00241          !
00242       ELSE IF ( COUNT(loczeros < 1) > 1 ) THEN
00243          !
00244          DO WHILE (COUNT(loczeros < 1) >= 1 .AND. pos < 0 )
00245             minpos = MINLOC(loczeros)
00246             len = LEN_TRIM(str_tab(minpos(1)))
00247             IF ( (INDEX(str_tab(minpos(1)),str(1:il)) > 0) &
00248                  .AND.(len == il) ) THEN
00249                pos = minpos(1)
00250             ELSE
00251                loczeros(minpos(1)) = 99999
00252             ENDIF
00253          ENDDO
00254          !
00255       ENDIF
00256       !
00257    ENDIF
00258 !-
00259  END SUBROUTINE find_sig
00260 !=
00261 !------------------
00262 END MODULE stringop_psmile
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