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Compilation with TopMakefileOasis3

Compiling OASIS3 can be done in directory oasis3/util/make_dir with Makefile
TopMakefileOasis3 which must be completed with a header file make.your_platform specific to the compiling platform used and specified in oasis3/util/make_dir/ One of the header files distributed with the release can by used as a template. The root of the OASIS3 tree can be anywere and must be set in the variable COUPLE in the make.your_platform file. The choice of MPI1, MPI2 or NONE (interpolator-only mode, see section 6.1) is done by prescribing the value of CHAN and by activating the CPP key -Duse_comm_$(CHAN) in the make.your_platform header file.

The following commands are available:

Log and error messages from compilation are saved in the files COMP.log and COMP.err in make_dir.

During compilation, a new compiling directory, defined by variable ARCHDIR is created. After successful compilation, resulting executables are found in the compiling directory in /bin, libraries in /lib and object and module files in /build.

The different pre-compiling flags used for OASIS3 and its associated PSMILe library are described in section 8.1.2.

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Laure Coquart 2013-06-11