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Modules used for the coupler (in oasis3/src) :

mod_calendar :
contains variables related to the coupler calendar
used in inipar.F,

!@ -- nddeb : beginning date of the simulation (yyyymmdd) (always 00000000 in blkdata.f, not present in namcouple)
!@ -- nadeb : beginning year of the simulation (yy) (always 00 as ndded always 00000000)
!@ -- nmdeb : beginning month of the simulation (mm) (always 00 as ndded always 00000000)
!@ -- njdeb : beginning day of the simulation (dd) (always 00 as ndded always 00000000)
!@ -- ndate : initial date (yyyymmdd)
!@ -- njini : initial day (dd)
!@ -- nmini : initial month (mm)
!@ -- naini : initial year (yy)
!@ -- njnow : current day (dd)
!@ -- njone : inf. day limit for linear time interpolation (dd)  'sea <<<--->>> sea' case
!@ -- njtwo : sup. day limit for linear time interpolation (dd) 'sea <<<--->>> sea' case
!@ -- ndone : inf. day limit for linear time interpolation (dd) 'sea <<<--->>> ice' case
!@ -- ndtwo : sup. day limit for linear time interpolation (dd) 'sea <<<--->>> ice' case
!@ -- nmnow : current month (mm)
!@ -- nmone : inf. month limit for linear time interpolation (mm)
!@ -- nmtwo : sup. month limit for linear time interpolation (mm)
!@ -- nanow : current year (yy)
!@ -- ndinc : day increment for each coupler time step
!@ -- nsrec : number of records to be skipped in climatology (SE) file
!@ -- nmrec : number of records to be skipped in interannual (MO) file
!@ -- ncaltype : calendar type
!@                 0      = 365 day calendar (no leap years)
!@                 1      = Gregorian calendar
!@                 n (>1) = n day month caledar
!@     -------------------------------------------------------------------
  USE mod_kinds_oasis
  INTEGER(kind=ip_intwp_p) :: ndate, njini, nmini, naini, njnow,njone, njtwo
  INTEGER(kind=ip_intwp_p) :: ndtwo, nmnow,nmone, nmtwo, nanow, ndinc, nsrec
  INTEGER(kind=ip_intwp_p) :: ndone, nmrec
  INTEGER(kind=ip_intwp_p) :: ncaltype, nddeb, nadeb, nmdeb, njdeb
  INTEGER(kind=ip_intwp_p) :: ig_date(6)
!     -------------------------------------------------------------------