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Modules used for the scrip library (in oasis3/lib/scrip/src) :

netcdf_mod :
contains the netCDF include file and a netcdf error handling routine
used in scrip.F,

      use kinds_mod
      use constants
      USE mod_unit

      implicit none

#include <>




      subroutine netcdf_error_handler(istat)

!     This routine provides a simple interface to netCDF error message
!     routine.

      integer (kind=int_kind), intent(in) ::
     &    istat   ! integer status returned by netCDF function call


      if (istat /= NF_NOERR) then
        WRITE(nulou,*)'Error in netCDF: ',nf_strerror(istat)


      end subroutine netcdf_error_handler