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Routine prismtrs_loop (id_err)
Subroutine "PRISMTrs_Loop" receives the different signals coming from the models PSMILe to react and perform the transformations.

In prismtrs_loop, the different processors of the Transformer receive informations of the processes of the models to perform the interpolation(s).
The first step is to determine which proc of the T will treat the data.

On the source side, in psmile_trs_set_src_epio_3d_dble, the proc sends PSMILe_trans_Set_rank_trans to PRISMdrv_root. So only the PRISMdrv_root will go through :
CASE (PSMILe_trans_Set_rank_trans)
call prismtrs_get_trans_rank(il_rank, id_err) => return il_rank, last proc of the transformer used to treat the data + 1
the root sends il_rank to the psmile ans the psmile (ie proc of the component) will now only exchanges with this proc of the Transformer.
The psmile asks the proc of the Transformer for an epio