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Routine psmile_enddef_comp (comp_id, global_comp_id, Number_of_Grids, comp_info, ierror)
Subroutine "PSMILe_enddef_comp" finishs the definition phase for the component with id "comp_id".
Infos of the component id of the proc j are collected and sent
to the other processes of the component and stored in the global structure comp_info (MPI_ALLGATHER or MPI_ALLGATHERV)
Comp_info is comp_infos (comp_id)
and it will be known by all processes.

comp_info == comp_infos (comp_id)
comp_id, global_comp_id, Number_of_Grids = in
comp_info, ierror = out

remap extent (ie longitudes and latitudes) to a common space (-180:180:-90:90) for the search of intersections between the processors.
collect the informations on all processors for the considered component.