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Routine psmile_gauss_setup_dble (grid_id, counts, displs, ierror)
Subroutine "PSMILe_gauss_setup_dble" computes the auxillary grid for search on reduced Gauss grids (ie the halo grid to get the virtual cells of the method point grid)

Example 4 : here

Once that the search has found in which cell the target point falls, it is necessary to find the closest lower left source point to find the X neighbours.
It is done by constructing the method grid from the real points of the gaussian reduced grid in this part with the virtual cells for the domain limits.
The halos of the method grid that is used will be used is stored in psmile_gauss_set_up_dble in Methods(method_id)%gauss2_dble(1)%vector(:) and Methods(method_id)%gauss2_dble(2)%vector(:)