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Routine psmile_io_init (ierror)
Subroutine that creates a communicator for the underlying file IO package. Initializes underlying NetCDF IO package

Create a communicator which covers the application but separates the I/O from the rest of the data exchange library, based on the local comm of the application Appl%comm => IO_apps_infos%comm

Initialize the MPP modules :
constructs file mpplog based on the name of the application, and arg of mpp_init
call mpp_init(mpp_comm=IO_apps_infos%comm,logfile=trim(mpplog))
mpp_init (in mpp_mod_oa) : define comm_intern = IO_apps_infos%comm
call MPI_COMM_RANK(  comm_intern, pe,   error )
call MPI_COMM_SIZE(  comm_intern, npes, error )
allocate( mpp_request(0:npes-1) )
mpp_request(:) = MPI_REQUEST_NULL
initialisation of peset(0:PESET_MAX) of type communicator and creation of a new communicator for the group of pe of the application : peset(i)%id and peset(i)%group

Root of IO_apps_infos%comm sends il_stackmaxd and il_stackmax to the other pe's.

Then :
call mpp_domains_set_stack_size(il_stackmaxd)
mpp_domains_set_stack_size : allocate mpp_domains_stack(
initialise mpp_domains_stack_size =

call mpp_io_init(maxunit=PSMILE_IO_MAX_UNIT+4 ,maxresunit=4)
mpp_io_init :
call mpp_init : already called,  will merely return
get my number of pe among the others : pe = function mpp_pe (in module
mpp_mod_oa = pe)
get total number of pe : npes = function mpp_npes() (in module mpp_mod_oa = npes)
call mpp_domains_init :          call mpp_init : already called,  will merely return
get my number of pe among the others : pe = function mpp_pe (in module mpp_mod_oa = pe)
call mpp_domains_set_stack_size(983040) : as 983040 < il_stackmaxd will merely return
call mpp_io_set_stack_size(131072) :        allocate( mpp_io_stack(n) )
mpp_io_stack_size = n

call mpp_set_stack_size(il_stackmax)
mpp_set_stack_size :
allocate( mpp_stack(n) )
mpp_stack_size = n