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Routine psmile_mg_method_2d_dble (comp_info, nlev, found, loc, range, coords1, coords2, search_shape, control, &
                                                           x_coords, y_coords, coords_shape, grid_valid_shape, cyclic, period,  &
                                                           chmin1, chmin2, chmax1, chmax2, tol, ierror)
Subroutine "psmile_bbcells_pole_dble" "PSMILe_mg_method_2d_dble" searches the corresponding points of the method (grid) for the subgrid coords by the sending process.

x_coords and y_coords are the coordinates of the source grid
corrds1, coords2 are the coordinates of the target grid to be search

xy_target_pointer(i)%p new coords of target points from psmile_transrot of
corrds1, coords2