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Routine psmile_search_donor_cells (search, tol, ierror)
Subroutine "PSMILe_Search_donor_cells" searches the donor cells for the subgrid sent by the sending process (search).

The results are stored in
      Type (integer_vector)        :: found     (search%npart, ndim_3d)         ! finest level on which the point was found
      Type (integer_vector)        :: locations (search%npart, ndim_3d)        ! Indices of the grid cell in which the point was found

It is in this routine that ictl_ind (3) is defined to follow a target point through the search when activate the option -DDEBUG_TRACE

common_grid_range(2,ndim_3d) = reshape( (/-180, 180, -90, 90, 0, 0/), (/2, 3/) ) is defined in the module psmile_grid.F90

Search corresponding field with global transout id "id_transout" for this component "comp_id" and grid "grid_id" => call psmile_find_corr_field
For gridless => call psmile_search_donor_gridless
Take back the target coordinates search in their initial space => call psmile_transform_coords

Then search following the type of the source grid