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Type PSMILe_interp : defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_smioc.F90

TYPE PSMILe_interp

    INTEGER                                       :: ig_interp_type 
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)         :: iga_interp_meth
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)         :: iga_arg1
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)         :: iga_arg2
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)         :: iga_arg3
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)         :: iga_arg4
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)         :: iga_arg5
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)         :: iga_arg6
    INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)         :: iga_arg7
    DOUBLE PRECISION                 :: dg_arg8
    CHARACTER(len=max_name)   :: cg_arg9
    TYPE (PSMILe_file_struct)          :: sg_arg10


!  ig_interp_type  : type of interpolation (PSMILe_3D, PSMILe_2D1D,
!                    PSMILe_1D1D1D)
!  iga_interp_meth: method of interpolation (1/2/3 needed for 3D/2D1D/1D1D1D)
!            PSMILe_nnghbr3D, PSMILe_trilinear, PSMILe_conserv3D,
!            PSMILe_user3D, PSMILe_nnghbr2D, PSMILe_bilinear, PSMILe_bicubic,
!            PSMILe_conserv2D, PSMILe_user2D, PSMILe_nnghbr1D,
!            PSMILe_linear, PSMILe_cubic, PSMILe_conserv1D, PSMILe_user1D
!            PSMILe_none
!  iga_arg1       : interpolation first argument (obsolete)
!  iga_arg2      : interpolation second argument
!                 ->nbr_nghbr for nnghbr3D/2D
!                 ->order (PSMILe_first or PSMILe_second) for
!                     for conserv3D/2D/1D
!  iga_arg3      : interpolation third argument
!                 ->para_search (PSMILe_approx=local or PSMILe_precise=global)
!                     for nnghbr3D/2D, trilinear, bilinear, bicubic, linear,
!                     for conserv3D/2D/1D
!  iga_arg4      : interpolation fourth argument
!                 ->methnorm:
!                  PSMILe_fracarea, PSMILe_destarea, PSMILe_none for conserv2D
!                 ->if_masked for linear, bilinear, trilinear, cubic, bicubic,
!                   nnghbr3D/2D
!  iga_arg5      : interpolation fifth argument
!                 ->bicubic_meth:
!                  PSMIle_gradient or PSMILe_sixteen for bicubic
!                 (->nearnei:
!                  PSMILe_true or PSMILe_false for conserv2D - not supported)
!                 ->PSMILe_undef for all other interpolations
!  iga_arg6      : interpolation sixth argument
!                 -> truearea:
!                  PSMILe_true or PSMILe_false for conserv2D
!                 ->PSMILe_undef for all other interpolations

!  iga_arg7      : interpolation seventh argument
!                 ->currently PSMILe_undef for all interpolations
!  dg_arg8     : interpolation seventh argument
!                 ->gaussian_variance for nnghbr3D/2D
!                 ->PSMILe_undef for all other interpolations
!  cg_arg9      : interpolation eigth argument
!                 ->gradient_var_name for (conserv2D +) bicubic
!                 ->'   ' for all other interpolations
!  sg_arg10      : (interpolation nineth argument
!                   -> file for user3D/2D/1D)