
Section Co-ordinator: DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany)

It is still subject of speculation in recent research to which extend constructive measures at wings and flaps, which show significant differences in the near field vortex structure, affect the far field evolution of wake vortices. However, it is meanwhile generally accepted that the far field evolution is considerable determined by the prevailing meteorological conditions and ground effects. Major meteorological parameters are turbulence, shear, wind and stratification. Still, the influence of these parameters, and parameter combinations thereof, are not sufficiently understood. Main discrepancies and contrary understanding was recently reviewed by P.R. Spalart, Airplane Trailing Vortices, Ann. Review Fluid Mech. 30, 1998.

Therefore, the WakeNet section environment mainly focuses on the investigation of the environmental impact upon wake vortex evolution. The investigations are based on experimental labaratory and field measurements as well as numerical simulations. A corporate goal is the development of a simple parametric model which can predict wake vortex behavior in a given environment in real time.

The pre-condition for such wake vortex predictions is short time forecasting of the relevant meterological conditions. Here, the approaches range from simple wind-speed persistence forecasting based on statistical wind properties to terminal wheather nowcasting which uses sophisticated coupling of forecasting tools and the assimilation of measured data which may stem from various ground based measurement techniques e.g. wind profilers, wind radar or from aircraft data transfered by data link.

Interest groups of the section environment are:

- Institut Für Meteorologie und Klimatologie der Universit ät Hannover (IMK Hannover)

contact person:

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hauf (hauf@muk.uni-hannover.de)

Institut für Meteorologie und Klimatologie

Universität Hannover

Herrenhäuser Str. 2

30419 Hannover


Tel: ++49/0511/762-2677

Fax: ++49/0511/762-4418


Assessment of meteorological aircraft data provided by data-link

LES of wake vortices


- Deutscher Wetterdienst - Geschaeftsfeld Luftfahrt (DWD)

contact person:

Dr. Thomas Hafner (thafner@dwd.D400.de)

Deutscher Wetterdienst

Postfach 10 04 65

63004 Offenbach


Tel: ++49/69/8062-2897

Fax: ++49/69/8062- 14


Short-term-forecasting of the terminal wheather (Nowcasting)

- The Met.Office

contact persons:

Neil Halsey (nhalsey@meto.gov.uk), Julie Turner


London Road Bracknell Berkshire RG12 2SZ


Tel: +44/1344/8564

Fax: +44/1344/856099


Short-term wind-forecasting in the terminal area

incident data base (ETWIRL)


- Meteo France

contact persons:

J.M. Carriere (jean-marie.carriere@meteo.fr)

Meteo France


42, av. G. Coriolis

F-31057 Toulouse Cedex



crosswind, nowcasting

LES of wake vortices


- Institute for Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering

contact person:

Lars Tuerk (tuerk@lu.ilr.rwth-aachen.de)

Institut fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt

RWTH Aachen

Wuellnerstr. 7

5 2062 Aachen


Tel: ++49/241/806814

Fax: ++49/241/8888233



ground effect, near field

- Meteo France

contact persons:

J.M. Carriere (jean-marie.carriere@meteo.fr)

Meteo France


42, av. G. Coriolis

F-31057 Toulouse Cedex



crosswind, nowcasting

LES of wake vortices


- Meteo France

contact persons:

Alex Corjon (corjon@cerfacs.fr)


42, av. G. Coriolis

F-31057 Toulouse Cedex



LES of wake vortices in the atmospheric boundary layer: 3D ground, turbulence,wind, shear, startification effects


- DLR - Physik der Atmosphäre

contact person:

Thomas Gerz (gerz@dlr.de)

DLR Oberpfaffenhofen

D-82234 Wessling


Tel: ++49/ 815/3281333

Fax: ++49/ 815/3281841


Information about the wake vortex activities of the DLR Institute of Atmospheric Physics and the establishment of the DLR Project Wake Vortex which will start in January '99 may be found here (http://www.pa.op.dlr.de/wirbelschleppe/WakeVortex.html).