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Christian Pagé's Cerfacs Biosketch

I am a high-level research engineer developing a statistical downscaling methodology (dsclim) applied to climate scenarios as well as on scientific data distribution infrastructures, with a focus on Big Data issues and solutions. I currently work at CERFACS in Toulouse since January 2008, and I hold a permanent position since July 2009. CERFACS is a private research institute (civil society) specializing in research questions related to High Performance Computing (HPC).

I am quite involved in providing high-resolution climate data for the climate change impact community in France (SCRATCH scenarios datasets), as well as on climate science data distribution (such as climate4impact.eu and on-demand calculations with the development of a very efficient python package icclim, which is now part of the CoG OpenClimateGIS open-source software. I am currently working in many research projects, both mainly european and international ones:

Particularly, I am the CERFACS representative as a thematic member of the EUDAT CDI and I participate in the ESGF Computing Working Team (CWT). I also work with people at Electricité De France (EDF) and I collaborate with Météo-France (DCLIM, CNRM/GMGEC) as well as with US partners (PCMDI, NCAR, CoG) and, of course, European partners within European projects funded by the European Commission.

Feel free to contact me for any information!
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A selection of publications


European Center for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computing
Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique
42, avenue Gaspard Coriolis
Toulouse F-31057 Cedex 1, France
Tel: +33 (0)5 61 19 30 11
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 19 30 00