1 Step-by-step use of OASIS3-MCT

To use OASIS3-MCT for coupling codes, one has to follow these steps:

  1. Obtain OASIS3-MCT source code (see chapter 1.2).
  2. Get familiar with OASIS3-MCT, either by following the Short Private Online Course (SPOC, see https://cerfacs.fr/online-training/) or by going through the tutorial steps. Tutorial sources are available in directory examples/tutorial_communication and all explanations are provided in the document tutorial_communication.pdf therein.

  3. Identify the coupling or I/O fields and adapt the codes to implement the coupling exchanges with the OASIS3-MCT coupling library based on MPI message passing. The OASIS3-MCT coupling library uses NetCDF and therefore can also be used to perform I/O actions from/to disk files. For more detail on how to use the OASIS3-MCT API in the codes, see chapter 2.

  4. Define all coupling and I/O parameters and the transformations required to adapt each coupling field from the source model grid to the target model grid. On this basis, prepare OASIS3-MCT configuring file namcouple. OASIS3-MCT supports different interpolation algorithms as described in chapter 4. Remapping files can be computed online using the SCRIP options, or offline using either the SCRIP, ESMF or XIOS (see examples/regrid_environment, section 6.3.3) and read in during the run using the MAPPING transformation.

    We strongly recommend to tests off-line the quality of the chosen transformations and remappings using the environment available in examples/regrid_environment and explanations provided in the document regrid_environment.pdf therein.

  5. Generate required auxiliary data files (see chapter 5).
  6. Compile OASIS3-MCT, the component models and start the coupled experiment. For details on how to compile and run a coupled model with OASIS3-MCT, see section 6.

If you need extra help, do not hesitate to contact us at oasishelp(at)cerfacs.fr .