Output files formats

In this page you’ll find a brief explanaition of the format of each one of the files created by PRISSMA.

The next is a list of the abreviations used in the description:

  • ncell : total number of cells in the domain
  • Gtot : Total incident radiation (w/m3)
  • Srtot : Radiative source term (w/m3)
  • Htot : Total incident surface radiation at the wall (w/m2)
  • Qw : Total net radiative flux at the wall (w/m2)
  • Qr : Radiative flux vector (w/m2)
  • [..] if face at wall : expression is writen only if the face is in the wall
  • {..} n times : expression between brackets are writen in n different records
integer data is writen in blue
real data is writen in black


{ x | y | z | Gtot } ncell times


{ x | y | z | Srtot } ncell times


{ [ x | y | z | Htot ] if face at wall } ncell times


{ [ x | y | z | Qw ] if face at wall } ncell times


{ { x | y | z | Qr(x) | Qr(y) | Qr(z) } ncell times