The OASIS Coupler Forum


OASIS coupled WRF

Up to Installation and compilation

Posted by Anonymous at February 14 2017

Is there any instruction on how to compile OASIS coupled WRF ? Should I modify make files in OASIS make_dir ?

Posted by Anonymous at February 16 2017


You must fisrt compile separately OASIS3-MCT to create the librairies that you will have to link to your model WRF when you compile it.

To compile OASIS3-MCT on your plateform, you must adapt and create a header Makefile make.myplatform from the examples you have in oasis3-mct/util/make_dir and then use the commands (see the User Guide section 6.1):

make realclean -f TopMakefileOasis3

make -f TopMakefileOasis3

Best regards, Laure

Posted by Anonymous at June 30 2017

Hi Hong,

I asked the interface developer of OASIS3-MCT in WRF and he told me that WRF 3.6 is effectively interfaced with OASIS3-MCT.

To find the coupling routines, just use the commands :
ls */*oasis* or grep oasis */*F in the main repository of WRF.

To compile WRF with OASIS3-MCT :
Compile first OASIS3-MCT 
Add  -Dkey_cpp_xios in ARCH_LOCAL in the file configure.wrf.
Then add the links to OASIS3-MCT :
For example :
OA3MCT_ROOT_DIR  =       /ccc/work/cont005/ra0542/massons/now/models/oa3mct/CURIE_thin
- INCLUDES : you must add to  INCLUDE_MODULES:
                      -I$(OA3MCT_ROOT_DIR)/build/lib/mct \
                      -I$(OA3MCT_ROOT_DIR)/build/lib/psmile.MPI1 \
- LIBS : you must add to LIB_EXTERNAL (before -L$(NETCDFPATH)/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf) : 
                     -L$(XIOS_ROOT_DIR)/lib -lxios -L$(OA3MCT_ROOT_DIR)/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip

Hope this helps,
Best regards, Laure

Posted by Anonymous at June 30 2017


I am trying to develop a WRF(atmos)-ROMS(ocean) coupled model by using OASIS3-MCT coupler.  Your website says " The last version of WRF 3.6 is interfaced with OASIS3-MCT to be coupled with the ocean model NEMO".
Does this mean there is interface code built in the WRF model? But i could not find it in the WRF code. 

Could you please tell me where i can get the interface code?

Thank you so much, Hong
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