Last update : 30 April 2010
Publication (In review)
Publication (in press -DOI attributed)
- Dezileau, L., Sabatier P., Blanchemanche P., Joly B.,
Swingedouw D., Cassou C.,
Von Grafenstein U. and Martinez P. , 2009: Increase of intense storm
activity during the little ice age on the French Mediterranean Coast. Paleo-3, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.11.009
- Cassou, C., M.
Minvielle, L. Terray, C. Perigaud, 2010: A statistical-dynamical scheme
for ocean
downscaling in the Atlantic. Part I: Weather regimes as predictors for
surface ocean variables. Clim. Dyn.,
- Minvielle M., C.
Cassou, L. Terray, R. Bourdalle-Badie, 2010: A
statistical-dynamical scheme for ocean downscaling in the Atlantic.
Part II: Methodology, validation and application to high resolution
ocean models. Clim. Dyn.,
- Swingedouw D., Terray L., Cassou C., Voldoire A.,
Salas-Melia D.and Servonnat J., 2010: Natural forcing of climate during
the last millennium: Fingerprint of solar variability. Clim. Dyn.,
- Kwon, Y.O,C. Deser, C.
Cassou, 2010: Coupled atmosphere: mixed layer ocean response to
ocean heat flux convergence along the Kuroshio Current Extension. Clim.
Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-010-0764-8
- Cattiaux, J., R. Vautard, C. Cassou, P. Yiou, V.
Masson-Delmotte, and
F. Codron (2010), Winter 2010 in Europe: A cold extreme in a warming
climate, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
37, L20704,
- Boe J., Cassou
C., Terray L., Parey S., Dubus L., 2010: Link between large
scale atmospheric circulation and heat waves for seasonal forecasting
and climate change impact studies. Houille
Blanche-Revue International de l'eau, 4, 67-71, DOI/10.1051/LHB/2010043
- Doerenbecher A. and coauthors, 2010: Cyclogenèses et
précipitations intenses : éléments de prévisibilité, besoins en
observations. La Météorologie, 68,
- Boé J., L. Terray, C. Cassou and J. Najac,
2009: Uncertainties in European summer precipitation changes:
role of large scale circulation. Clim.
Dyn., doi10.1007/s00382-008-0474-7.
Zhou, T., Y.
Rucong, J. Zhang, H. Drange, C. Cassou, C.
Deser, D. L. R. Hodson, E. SanchezGomez, J. Li, N. Keenlyside, X. Xin
and Y. Okumura, 2009: Why the Western Pacific
Subtropical High has Extended Westward since the Late 1970s. J. Climate, 22, DOI:
- Hodson, D. L. R., R. T. Sutton, C. Cassou, N. Keenlyside,
Y. Okumura, T. Zhou, 2008: Climate impacts of recent multidecadal
changes in Atlantic Ocean Sea Surface Temperature: A Multimodel
comparison. Clim. Dyn., in
- Vialard, J., J.P. Duvel, M. J. McPhaden, P. Bouruet-Aubertot, B.
Ward, E. Key, D. Bourras, R. Weller, P. Minnett, A. Weill, C. Cassou, L. Eymard, T.
Fristedt, C. Basdevant, Y. Dandoneau, O. Duteil, T. Izumo, C. de Boyer
Montégut, S. Masson, F. Marsac, C. Menkes and S. Kennan, 2009:
Cirene: Air-sea interactions in the Seychelles-Chagos thermocline ridge
region. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,
- Cassou, C.,
2008: Intraseasonal interaction between the Madden-Julian Oscillation
and the North Atlantic Oscillation. Nature,
doi:10.1038/nature07286, 523-527.
SanchezGomez, E., C. Cassou, D. L. R. Hodson,
N. Keenlyside, Y. Okumura and T. Zhou, 2008 :
North Atlantic weather regimes response to Indian-western Pacific Ocean
warming: A multi-model study, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
L15706, doi:10.1029/2008GL034345.
- Cassou C., C.
Deser and M. A. Alexander, 2007:
Investigating the impact of reemerging sea surface temperature
anomalies on the winter atmospheric circulation over the North
Atlantic. J. Climate, 20, 3510-3526.
- Cassou C. and E.
Guilyardi, 2007 : Modes de variabilité et changement climatique. La Météorologie, 59, 22-30.
- Cassou, C.,
2007: La fièvre du mercure, Lett.
PIGB-PMRC France, 20,
- Vautard, R., P. Yiou, F. D'Andrea, N. de Noblet, N. Viovy, C. Cassou, J. Polcher, P.
Ciais, M. Kageyama, and Y. Fan, 2007: Summertime European heat and
drought waves induced by wintertime Mediterranean rainfall deficit. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L07711, doi:10.1029/2006GL028001.
- Yiou, P., R. Vautard, P. Naveau, and C. Cassou, 2007:
Inconsistency between atmospheric dynamics and temperatures during the
exceptional 2006/2007 fall/winter and recent warming in Europe. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L21808,
- Salas y Mélia D., C. Genthon, O. Arzel, C. Cassou, V. Guemas, G.
Krinner, M. Minvielle and D. Swingedouw, 2007 : Régions polaires,
cryosphère et circulation thermohaline. La Météorologie, 56, 33-39.
- Alexander, M. A., J. Yin, G. Branstator, A. Capodonti, C. Cassou, R. Cullather,
Y.-O. Kwon, J. Norris, J. Scott and I. Wainer, 2006: Extratropical
atmosphere-ocean variability in CCSM3, J. Climate, 19, 2496-2525.
- Paz S., Y. M. Tourre, C.
Cassou and H. Kutiel, 2006: Sea-Level Pressure over Northwest
Africa/Iberian Peninsula and Linkages with Sahelian Rainfall. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L14808.
- Cassou, C., L.
Terray and A.S. Phillips, 2005 : Tropical atlantic influence on
European heat waves, J. Climate,
18, 2805-2811.
- Cassou, C., C.
Deser, L. Terray, J.W. Hurrell and M. Drévillon, 2004 : Sea
surface temperature conditions in the North Atlantic and their
impact upon the atmospheric circulation in early winter, J. Climate, 17, 3349-3363.
- Cassou, C., L.
Terray, J.W. Hurrell and C. Deser, 2004: North Atlantic winter climate
regimes: spatial asymmetry, stationarity with time and oceanic forcing,
J. Climate, 17, 1055-1068.
- Rodwell M. J., F. Doblas-Reyes, C. Cassou and L. Terray,
2004: Seasonal-to-decadal predictability and prediction of European
climate. Proceedings of the CLIVAR workshop on Atlantic climate
predictability, 19-22 April 2004, Reading, UK. CLIVAR publication series, No 81, WCRP informal report, No
- Cassou, C.,
2004: Du changement climatique aux régimes de temps : l'Oscillation
Nord Atlantique, La Météorologie,
45, 21-32.
- Denoux, E., C. Cassou et S. Valcke,
2005: Modeles, scenarios, outils de modelisation et de simulation. Les dossiers de l'ingénierie éducative,
53, 43-46..
- Drévillon, M., C.
Cassou, and L. Terray, 2003 : Model study of the wintertime
atmospheric response to fall tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature
anomalies, Quat. J. Roy. Meteorol.
Soc., 119, 2591-2611.
- Terray, L. and C.
Cassou, 2002 : Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature
forcing of interannual climate variability over the North
Atlantic-Europe region, J. Climate,
22, 3170-3178.
- Cassou, C. and
L. Terray, 2001 : Oceanic forcing of the wintertime low frequency
atmospheric variability in the North Atlantic European sector : a study
with the ARPEGE model, J. Climate,
14, 4266-4291.
- Cassou, C.
and L. Terray, 2001 : Dual Influence of Atlantic and Pacific SST
anomalies on the North Atlantic/Europe Winter Climate, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 3195-3198.
- Drévillon, M., L. Terray, P. Rogel and C. Cassou, 2001 :
Midlatitude Atlantic SST influence on European Winter Climate
Variability in the NCEP Reanalysis, Clim.
Dyn., 18, 331-344.
- Périgaud, C., C. Cassou,
B. Dewitte, L. L .Fu and J. D. Neelin, 2001 : Using data and
intermediate coupled models for seasonal-to-interannual forecasts, Mon. Wea.Rev., 128, 3025-3049.
- Terray, L. and C.
Cassou, 2000 : Modes of low-frequency climate variability and
their relationships with land precipitation and surface temperature :
application to the Northern Hemisphere Winter climate, Stochastic Environnemental Research and
Risk Assessment, 14,
- Cassou, C. and
C. Périgaud, 2000 : ENSO simulated by intermediate coupled models and
evaluated with observations over 1970-98 : Part II: Role of the
off-Equatorial ocean and meridional winds, J. Climate, 13, 1635-1663.
- Périgaud, C. and C.
Cassou, 2000 : Importance of decadal oceanic decadal trends and
westerly wind bursts for forecasting El Niño, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 389-392.
- Périgaud, C., F. Mélin and C. Cassou, 2000 : ENSO
simulated by intermediate coupled models and evaluated with
observations over 1970-98 : Part I: Role of the off-Equatorial
Variability, J. Climate, 13, 1605-1634.
- Cassou, C., P.
Noyret, E. Sevault, O. Thual, L. Terray, D. Beaucourt and M. Imbard,
1998 : Distributed ocean-atmosphere modeling and sensitivity to the
coupling flux precision : the CATHODe Project, Mon. Wea. Rev., 126, 1035-1053.
European Center for Research and Advanced Training in
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