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The interpolation

The following transformations, controlled by interp.f, are available in OASIS3.


... library15
See the copyright statement in appendix 3.2.2.
To reproduce the previous default behaviour, one has to compile with CPP key NOT_NNEIGHBOUR. In this case, the zero value is associated to the target points having all of the N source nearest neighbours masked. However, the value 1.0E+20 will be assigned to these non-masked target grid points if routines scriprmp.f or vector.F90 (for vector interpolation) in oasis3/lib/scrip/src/ are compiled with ll_weightot=.true..
... supported17
Note that for ``U" grids, the average distance between two source grid point $\overline{d}^2$, used in the calculation of the Gaussian weighting function, is not exact but this has only a limited impact as this value is in all cases multiplied by the $VAR value defined by the user (see SCRIPR/GAUSWGT above).

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Laure Coquart 2013-06-11