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The ``testNONE'' test-case

All files to run the ``testNONE'' test-case can be found in oasis3/examples/testNONE. This test-case provides a flexible environnement to test the interpolation specified in the INPUT/namcouple configuration file from a source grid to a target grid, both grids being defined in regular OASIS3 grid data files,, (see section 7.2).

To run ``testNONE'', OASIS3 first has to be compiled (see section 8.1.1) in interpolator-only mode NONE, i.e. by putting CHAN = NONE in the TopMakefileOasis3 header file. The user then has to adapt the ``User specifications'' part of the running script sc_run_NONE. In particular, he has to specify:

When launched, the running script sc_run_NONE:

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Laure Coquart 2013-06-11