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Common Types (defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src)

Type Enddef_comp : used by prism_enddef to store informations on components (defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_common.F90)

Type Enddef_search : used by prism_enddef to store informations on the coordinates to be searched (defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_common.F90)

Type Application : to store informations about the application (defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_common.F90)

Type PMSILE_comp_udef :
Structure for search of User-defined interpolations (defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_smioc.F90)

Type PMSILE_udef_idx : (defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_smioc.F90)

Type transient : structure to store informations on transient of the smioc of a component (defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_smioc.F90)

Type transient_in : structure to store informations on input transient structure (defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_smioc.F90)

Type transient_out : structure to store informations on output transient structure (defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_smioc.F90)

Type PSMILe_in_origin :  input origin structure
(defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_smioc.F90)

Type PSMILe_interp : structure for interpolations
(defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_smioc.F90)

Type Enddef_action : structure to store informations on open requests to be fulfilled in psmile_get_intersect (defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_smioc.F90)

Type PSMILe_file_struct  : structure for file information(defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_smioc.F90)

Type Enddef_mg : structure internally used by PRISM_Enddef in order to store the information on multigrid levels created (defined in oasis4/lib/common_oa4/src/psmile_common.F90)

Type dble_vector :