3 The remapping (or interpolation or regridding)


See also http://climate.lanl.gov/Software/SCRIP/ and the copyright statement in appendix 1.3.3.
... library11
The regrid_environment directory provides a practical example on how to calculate the regridding weight-and-address files with the SCRIP library but also with ESMF and XIOS, see section 6.3.3
A few bugs were fixed in the SCRIP library available since OASIS3-MCT_4.0 release, in particular in the bounding box definition of the grid cells. This solves an important bug observed in the Pacific near the equator for the bilinear and bicubic interpolations for Cartesian grids. However, given these modifications, one cannot expect to get exactly the same results for the weight-and-address remapping files with this new parallel SCRIP version as compared to the previous SCRIP version in OASIS3-MCT_3.0. We checked in many different cases that the interpolation error is smaller or of the same order than before. We also observed that the parallelisation does not ensure bit reproducible results when varying the number of processes or threads.
... allowed13
The only exceptions are for Gaussian Reduced (D) grids for ( BILINEAR, BILINEARNF, BICUBIC and BICUBICNF; in that case, if the Gaussian-reduced grid is stored from North to South the number of bins is the number of latitude circles of the grid (minus one, to be precise), independently of $NBIN; for Gaussian-reduced grid stored from South to North to South, the bin definition will not work and the interpolation will become a 4 distance-weighted nearest-neighbour for all target points.