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Step-by-step use of OASIS3

To use OASIS3 for coupling models (and/or perform I/O actions), one has to follow these steps:

  1. Obtain OASIS3 sources (see chapter 3).
  2. Identify the coupling or I/O fields and adapt the component models to allow their exchange with the PSMILe library based on MPI1 or MPI2 message passing1. The PSMILe library is interfaced with the mpp_io library from GFDL (2) and therefore can be used to perform I/O actions from/to disk files. For more detail on how to interface a model with the PSMILe, see chapter 4.

    The TOYOASIS3 coupled model gives a practical example of a coupled model; the sources are given in directories /oasis3/examples/toyoasis3/src ; more detail on TOYOASIS3 and how to compile and run it can be found in chapter 8.

  3. Define all coupling and I/O parameters and the transformations required to adapt each coupling field from its source model grid to its target model grid; on this basis, prepare OASIS3 configuring file namcouple (See chapter 5).

    OASIS3 supports different interpolation algorithms as is described in chapter 6. We strongly recommend that one tests off-line the quality of the chosen transformations and regriddings in the ``testNONE'' environment (see section 8.4.2).

  4. Generate required auxiliary data files (see chapter 7).
  5. Compile OASIS3, the component models and start the coupled experiment. Chapter 8 describes how to compile and run OASIS3 and the TOYOASIS3 coupled model.

If you need extra help, do not hesitate to contact us (see contact details on the back of the cover page).


... passing1
The SIPC, PIPE and GMEM communication techniques available in previous versions are not maintained anymore.

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Laure Coquart 2013-06-11