
Three different versions of Cantera are available at CERFACS. Two are pre-compiled and ready to use :

  • A relatively recent 2.1.1 version, modified to inculde a simplified transport model (constant Sc and Pr numbers) and to deal with analytically reduced chemistry (ARC).
  • An old "1.8" version (based on a 1.7 release), also modified to suit CERFACS needs (but not at all recommended !).

There is also development on a more recent version (2.3), available via the CERFACS GitLab NITROX ! E-mail or if you want to get involved.

--> Frequently visit the 'Updates' section, to keep informed about the latest developments in the CERFACS versions of the code !

Note: The version 2.1.1 is the stable one and therefore recommended for common users. However, this version is no more updated ! Active developers should join the version 2.3 cantera project on the CERFACS GitLab (NITROX).

2.1.1 CERFACS versions (no more updated)

The pre-compiled version(s) can be used at CERFACS on every fedora core 14 computer. You need not worry about the type of environment you use, just open a terminal and type:

module load cantera/2.1.1*

Where the * stands for the version you want to use. See this page for more information about the different available versions. If you are unsure of the version to use, note that simply typing:

module load cantera

will load the "default" stable version.

If you need to access the code: you can download the updated sources in a click !! Copy the sources in your working directory and untar them:

tar-xvf cantera211.tar.gz

Alternatively, you can also get the sources on your NFS work directory from your terminal. To do this, log into baal, diablo or asmodan, go into your wkdir and execute this command (to be deprecated soon...):

svn co file:///home/cfd1/srcantera/SVNCANTERA211

These two procedures will generate a directory named SVNCANTERA211 with all the sources, that you can peruse and modify all you want.

Compile the CERFACS-Cantera version (2.1.1, also valid for 2.3 version)

Once downloaded, you can compile the sources (although it is recommanded to use the precompiled versions !). First, you will have to set the right PATH and PYTHONPATH environment:

For a bash SHELL environment:


For a tcsh SHELL environment:

setenv PATH /usr/bin:$PATH

Then, go into SVNCANTERA211 and launch the command:

scons build prefix=pathtowkdir/SVNCANTERA211/INSTALL_DIR optimize=n blas_lapack_libs=blas,lapack

If all goes well, launch the install:

scons install

In the end, it will return a "source" command that you will need to use to launch your Cantera simulations !

"1.8" CERFACS modified version (based on the 1.7 original version)

Use of this old 1.7 version is not recommended, you should switch to the 2.1.1 version. There is only one pre-compiled version, that can be used at CERFACS on every fedora core 14 computer. Open a terminal and type:

module load cantera/1.8_avbp_r43

See the updates page for more information about what this "r43" version contains.

Here also, if you need to access the code, you can get the sources on your local machine from your terminal (to be deprecated soon...):

svn co file:///home/cfd1/srcantera/SVNREPO/CANTERA18AVBP CANTERA18AVBP

This will generate a file named CANTERA18AVBP with all the sources, that you can peruse and modify all you want.

Please, report all bugs by e mail: