Evaluate Spectrum

Evaluate Spectrum


  • base: Base

    The base must contain:

    • the mesh coordinates x, y, and z

    • the solution

    • ‘hb_computation’ as an Base.attrs (if HB/TSM type).

  • family_name: str

    The name of the family from which the percent will be computed.

  • x_percent: tuple(float), default= None

    The argument should be a tuple of min and max values. These limits the lower/upper bounds of the axial distribution. If not given, the lower/upper bounds of the axial distribution are computed.

  • r_percent: tuple(float), default= None

    The radius value given as a percentage of the radius. The argument should be a tuple of min and max values. These limits the lower/upper bounds of the radial distribution. If not given, the lower/upper bounds of the radial distribution are computed.

  • x_value: float, default= None

    The absolute position value of the plane.

  • r_value: tuple(float), default= None

    The radius value. The argument should be a tuple of min and max values.

  • rho_inf: float, default= ‘in_attr’

    The infinite density corresponding to the reference state.

  • v_inf: float, default= ‘in_attr’

    The infinite axial velocity corresponding to the reference state.

  • num: int, default= 100

    The number of points in the radial distribution.

Main functions

class antares.treatment.turbomachine.TreatmentEvalSpectrum.TreatmentEvalSpectrum

Execute the treatment.


Return type:

