Simple Thermodynamic Average

Standard Thermodynamic Average.

This treatment computes the spatial average of thermodynamic quantities over a 2D surface. The weighting can be made with surface or massflowrate.

The specific gas constant is hard-coded: Rgaz = 287.053 [J/kg/K].

The Heat capacity ratio is hard-coded: gamma = 1.4 [-].


  • base: Base

    The base on which the treatment will be applied. It is modified in-place.

  • coordinates: list(str)

    The ordered names of the mesh coordinates.

  • conservative: list(str), default= [‘rho’, ‘rhou’, ‘rhov’, ‘rhow’, ‘rhoE’]

    Names of conservative variables. example: [‘Density’, ‘MomentumX’, ‘MomentumY’, ‘MomentumZ’, ‘EnergyStagnationDensity’]

  • avg_type: str in [‘surface’, ‘massflowrate’], default= massflowrate

    Type of space averaging.


The base must represent a revolution surface around the ‘x’-axis of an axisymmetric configuration. The conservative variables must be computed at the cell location.


The cell normal and cell centroids will be computed during the process and returned in the input base. The treatment only considers the first instant of zones from the input base to compute the averages of variables. Other instants are ignored. The treatment returns the input base extended with an attribute named average. The attribute is a dictionary with variables Q, rho, Vn, Vt1, Vt2, Ps, Ts, and Tt.

  • Q: \(\displaystyle \int \rho V_n dS\)

    mass flow rate through the surface

Names of means of thermodynamic values:

  • Tt

    Total temperature.

  • Ps

    Static pressure.

  • Ts

    Static temperature.

  • rho


  • Vn

    Normal velocity component.

  • Vt1

    Tangential velocity component 1.

  • Vt2

    Tangential velocity component 2.

Main functions

class antares.treatment.turbomachine.TreatmentThermo1.TreatmentThermo1

Compute the standard thermodynamic average.


the input base with an attribute named average. The attribute is a dictionary with variables Q, rho, Vn, Vt1, Vt2, Ps, Ts, and Tt

Return type:
